chapter 05

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South Korea, "Seoul"

This place was completely new. He did not come here all his life. He was also born and educated in London. Jennie was a good mother.

Jennie never told Tae about her grandmother; he only knew that his grandmother died before he was born and that he had an uncle who died, but he never knew anything further.

His aunt, Soowan, had told him that his uncle was mentally ill. Aunt also told him that his uncle never loved us; he was a cunning and deceitful person. He committed suicide.

When Tae told his mom all these things, Jennie did not answer him, but Kai told him that his uncle was a good person. Do not speak badly of those who leave this world.

On reaching Korea, he felt a strange feeling. He held his luggage tightly and walked slowly out of the airport. When he suddenly heard someone's voice, he turned around and saw a man coming to him with a smile on his face.

"T-taehyung" uncle Woosik was looking at him in surprise. He started to feel strange, seeing them like this.

He cupped his face and smiled, "T-taehyung." He's said it again.

"Yes uncle I'm Taehyung, and I know you. You are Uncle Woosik, my mom's friend Sara's husband." Then uncle hugged him, smiling, and Tae liked it. He also hugged him after some time he moved away from him; uncle's eyes were wet.

"Uncle, you are crying."

Uncle shook his head. "No, son, I'm happy. Your face reminds me of your late uncle Taehyung's. It's the first time I've seen you like this in front of me. I always see you in the picture. It looks like my friend Kim Taehyung has come back  again."

Then Tae smiled. "Mom mentioned you a lot, and so did Aunt Sara and my cousin."

"I am here." He turned.

"You were missing me." Uncle Son hugged him, and Tae smiled. "I saw your picture, but today I saw you in front of me." He looks at his face closely. "You're a copy of Uncle Taehyung." He was staring at Tae.

"Okay, now finish talking and Jackson put these things in the car. Come on, Taehyung, let's take you home. Your aunt will be anxious, and why are you wearing such a light shirt?"

Tae did not answer anything, and then we all started walking towards the car.

He kept looking out of the window during the entire trip.


Tae POV.


'Why did this unknown city seem so familiar to me?'

I put my head to the window and started looking at the road. London was my hometown. I have lived in London all my life, but today, when I came to Korea, I don't know why I feel like this country is my own. Even though I don't have the citizenship of this country, I still feel like this. It seems that every corner of this country and this city is my own.

"So what was the name of the academy you were admitted to?"

I turned to Uncle "Uncle Seoul Art Academy."

"But, son, that academy is in the middle of the city. You have to leave early in the morning. Well, you are my responsibility, so I will make you leave your academy myself."

I smiled. "Thank you, uncle. I am ashamed that suddenly you have such a burden, but uncle If you want, you can get me a room in the hostel."

"Are you kidding, Tae? You're my late friend Kim Taehyung's nephew. It means you are my nephew too. If Taehyung were alive today, he'd be a few years younger than me, and I'm sure he'd keep you with him. But unfortunately, he is not between us, but I am. So don't talk like that. You are like my son Jackson to me."

Uncle was driving.

"Thank you, uncle. BTW, Uncle, how do you know my uncle so well? Mom told me that you were not that close to him, but from your words, it seems something else."

He smiled. "Actually, we didn't live in Korea. Tae and I are not related. We were neighbors, and we used to see each other every day while I was in Korea. Even after I left Korea, I kept in touch with him. His life is not hidden from me. He always shares everything with me."

(After completing his sentence, Woosik realized what he said.)

"Then you will know a lot about their lives."

When I asked this question, he did not say anything.

"Well, we're home; let's go."
Uncle stopped the car, and the three of us got out of the car. There was a woman at the door. She ran toward me.


"Aunt Sara," she said, cupping my face and then kissing my forehead. "Welcome to Korea, son."

Her eyes were moist, and I .

"Come in."

When Uncle Woosik intervened, Aunty Sara nodded, and we all started walking inside.

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