chapter 16

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Taehyung's POV.

Uncle's woosik words scared me. What is the secret that I don't know and from whose face do I have to remove the mask? What is this?
Why do I feel like coming here that everything my mother and aunt told me about Taehyung's uncle so far is based on lies? Why am I afraid?

"What would I do if I knew some things that after knowing the faces of the important characters in my life seemed stained in front of me? Would I love everyone the way I have been doing so far? Would I punish them...My dreams will not be related to the past of my parents and aunt."

I looked straight. "sketchbook."

I touched the book and took a deep breath. "Is it time to open this book? Why can't I dare to open this book? Why is my heart afraid to open this book? what shall I do."

I put the sketchbook back on the table. Then sat on the bed and looked back at the ceiling. "Uncle's tone was harsh. It was as if he hated me, but I had done nothing to make him hate me."

"I have to go to Incheon. As soon as possible." I looked at the time. "I have to leave today. How will I get to Incheon City?" I thought for a while then called Alex.


I took a deep breath.

"Taehyung's what happened."

"I have to go to Incheon as soon as possible."

" mean Incheon city....But why all of a sudden."

"I will answer this question later."

"Taehyung what are you going to do?"

"Looks like the mask is about to come off a lot of faces. Alex."

"Taehyung's, you're getting impatient...You just arrived in Korea a few days ago...You don't even know how you're going to get to Incheon."

"I'll go to the bus stop and they'll take me to Incheon."

"And then what to do next.....You know where you have to go next and who to meet..... Taehyung's you don't know anything.....You're only going to make yourself more upset."

"Then what should I do? How can I bring peace in my life?"

"Wait for the right time."

Then I started thinking about something.

"I'll call you later taetae I have to go to class now.....Tae remember that you're not alone I'm with you and I always trust you, my friend......"

After Alex hung up I sat on the couch.
I was getting anxious...I picked up Uncle Taehyung's sketchbook and opened the first page of it, drawing an empty room.

There were chairs, a table, and a window where someone was standing in this room, but there was no figure in this sketch, someone's shadow was made on the ground.

"Whose shadow is this......and this house was mom's old house.... maybe...."

Then I turned the next page and it had the same room but this time someone was sitting on the bed with a book on his lap and his face was towards the window.

"It feels like whoever it is was fond of looking out the window or maybe just liked the sky.....Whose uncle drew this in his sketchbook."

Then I turned to the next page......This time the boy was older and wearing a night dress as he stood in front of the window.

"It's the same person, but maybe he's grown up now." I nodded when I saw the date at the top spot. "Yes....The age in the previous sketch is 8 years and in this sketch, it is 11 years, so this time is three years to the next."

I nodded again and turned to the next page.

This time I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I stood up and pulled out my sketchbook from the drawer ran back to the sofa and put the two books together.

"That m-means this tree is the same, means this kid is Uncle T-taehyung's.....But why do they come in my d-dreams."

Then I started to turn the next page and I started feeling very thirsty so I put my books back on the couch and started walking towards the kitchen with glass.....But before I went to the kitchen, I was stopped by Aunty's Sarah's voice.

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