chapter 13

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Ever since that night, Jungkook has been unusually quiet. He's still in shock and filled with worry. He came to this world with a purpose: to unravel the story of Taehyung and himself. He's certain now that he must bring justice to Taehyung's family. But the question remains: who will be the one to deliver that justice?

"How did Taehyung die? Was it murder or something else entirely? Why do I feel the need to seek justice for him? And who exactly was this other Jungkook? I share the same name, so could we be connected somehow? I can sense some sort of link between us. But I've never seen his face, nor have I ever laid eyes on Taehyung's face. Did Jungkook resemble me?"

He gazes at his reflection in the mirror, then shifts his attention to the tattoo on his body.

"This tattoo is no ordinary ink. This dream I'm experiencing is far from ordinary. It's someone's unfinished story, someone's past."

He returns his gaze to his own face in the mirror.

"They were both wronged, torn apart, and ultimately lost their lives. Now they exist as spirits. Yes, spirits are waiting for my arrival."

He takes a seat on the couch. "That tree, the swing, the room, the bed, the pigeon—they're all significant characters in this tale. The main characters of Jungkook and Taehyung's story. I need to uncover the truth about who Jungkook really was. But who will assist me in this quest? Ah, Namjoon Hyung will lend a hand. I must share all of this with him. I need to uncover the truth as soon as possible."

He rises from the couch and begins searching for his phone when, suddenly, the doorbell rings.

"Perhaps it's Hyung."

He rushes to open the door, only to find his parents standing before him.




Jungkook's POV

"How was our surprise, son?" my dad asked, a smile on his face.

"I'm beyond happy, Dad. I can't believe you both are here in front of me," I replied, my own smile matching theirs.

"We've come to take you with us this time, son. It's too much for us to be apart any longer. I worry about you constantly," my mom chimed in.

I sat closer to my mom and held her hand. "But Mom, I come to visit you every year."

"Visiting and living together are two different things," she explained.

My dad glanced at me and then scanned the room. "Why do you have so many tattoos?"

"I like my tattoos, Mom," I defended.

"But, son..."

"These tattoos are not ordinary; they tell someone's story," I explained.

"Whose story?" my mom inquired.

"Taehyung's," I whispered, the weight of the truth heavy on my heart.

"Who's Taehyung?" my dad asked, confused.

"Jungkook, dead love," I revealed quietly.

"What are you talking about? Jungkook, who are you talking about?" My dad questioned me, his voice filled with concern.

"No one, Dad. I'll get you both something, and then we can talk," I said before leaving the room.



Author's POV

After Jungkook left, Mr. Jeon turned to his wife, who was already looking at him with surprise. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"That's exactly why I never liked the name. I don't understand why your father named our son after his psycho cousin." Mrs. Jeon expressed her disapproval.

"Don't say that; Aunt Jungkook Jeon was a good person. You know the whole truth, yet you continue to say such things," Mr. Jeon defended.

"I've seen our son's face, his eyes, and how empty he has become. He's weakened so much. This name brings nothing but evil. First, your father's cousin died, and now our only son is suffering. I refuse to go to London without him," Mrs. Jeon firmly started.

"Lower your voice; he might hear us," Mr. Jeon cautioned.

"It's good if he does hear. He should know that his name is associated with a great person, Jungkook Jeon," Mrs. Jeon insisted.

"Please, Kat..."

"What please. Your uncle Jungkook passed away; rather, he took his own life. You know, suicide is considered a criminal act. He ended his own life, and then your father decided to name my son Jungkook.
I was opposed to this name before and will always be. I understand that he was treated unjustly, but Jeon, what fault does my son have in all of this?"

"Kat, let's not dwell on it anymore. We will protect our son from all of this. We must keep it hidden from him forever. Otherwise, you know how deeply he goes; we just need to wait for a few more days."

He then embraced his wife, unaware that the one they were concealing everything from was standing on the other side of the wall, listening to their conversation.

Jungkook couldn't believe what he had just overheard. The weight of the revelation crashed down on him, leaving him feeling numb and overwhelmed. The image of his grandfather's cousin, Jeon Jungkook, had always haunted his dreams, but he had never known the truth behind it until now.

As he processed the information, a whirlwind of emotions consumed him. Confusion, anger, and sadness mingled together, creating a storm within his heart. How could his own family keep such a significant secret from him? Why did they think it was necessary to hide the truth about his namesake? Jungkook's mind raced with questions, desperately seeking answers that seemed just out of reach.

"So J-jungkook was G-grandpa's cousin. That means the person I see in my dreams is Grandpa's cousin, Jeon Jungkook, who p-passed away at the age of 18, which everyone believed was an accident. Actually, it was s-suicide," he exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise.

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