chapter 08

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The next day, as soon as the academy was over, I reached the place Alex had told me. It was a huge library. I felt scared to see the tall building of books. It seemed that these books would fall on me. Well, I reached my destination by asking people around.

This room was again full of books, but there were not so many. Well, I was looking around.

"I think you are Taehyung."

I turned and saw this boy smiling. "Yes, my name is Taehyung's, and you are Alex's friend."

"Namjoon, call me Namjoon. Please sit down, Taehyung's. I know your story."

He sat on the chair, indicating that I should sit. I smiled and sat on the chair.

"I talked to Alex about you today by mail, and I wasn't surprised by what he told me. But when he told me you were in Korea looking for certain things, I was surprised."

I nodded. "Absolutely, I came to this country in search of certain things, and those things are very important in my life."


"Because of these things, my peaceful sleep has been disturbed. You see the black spots under my eyes that announce my waking up all night.
I have not been able to sleep at night for four years. If I sleep at night, someone's eyes come into my dreams. And even when I am sleeping during the day, my mind feels that there is someone around me. I feel like my dreams have come true. So now my dreams are important to me."

"Would you like to tell me what you saw in your dream?"

Namjoon reached the shelf to find the book, looking at his back.

"Sometimes a graveyard, sometimes a huge golden tree, sometimes a cradle, and in every dream I see someone's eyes."

Namjoon turned and approached me. "Eyes. What kind of eyes?"

I imagined this eye in my mind, and I suddenly got shivers.

"The red eyes that stare at me—sometimes blood drips from those eyes; sometimes those eyes look at me with tears. Whoever has those eyes seems to hold a lot of pain and hatred. Those eyes are so beautiful; those eyes call to me; they say to me, Come to me, find me, and complete me."

"Complete..but....complete what."

I looked at Namjoon, and behind him, I saw those eyes that were looking at me.

"Story their story."

"Whose story and what story?"

I pointed to those eyes and said, "His story."

Namjoon looked behind him, then saw me. "Whose story is Taehyung's? There's no one here."

"He is here.We are here. He has to complete our story. You will help him."

Namjoon's eyes widened in surprise. "T-taehyung, why did your voice change?"

"Because it's not him, it's me."


"The one whose story will be complete. You have to help him. Both of them have to reveal the real reason behind the death of this innocent. He has to get justice."

"Who should be given justice? Whose cause of death should be revealed?"

"Taehyung's....My TAEHYUNG'S."

"Namjoon, Namjoon." I started shaking Namjoon; he was lost in thought.

He blinked and looked at me, fear evident on his face. "What happened to you? You were lost in a thought. How long have I been shaking you? There is sweat on your forehead. What happened? Are you fine?"

I asked him questions, then I made them sit on a chair, and I presented a glass in front of them. Then Namjoon started drinking water and looked at me and asked.

"So I've been standing for so long, and you've been sitting quietly on a chair."

"Yes, who were you talking to? But there was no one here. Namjoon, what happened? I think you are not feeling well. I kept calling you, but you didn't answer me, so I shook you."

Namjoon nodded. "Don't worry. Tell me what you're looking for."

"I'm looking for a tree. It's so thick and old. The eyes in the dream I see go inside the tree. I want to find out where that tree is. Maybe if I go to that tree, I'll know my next destination."

"Do you have a picture of that particular tree?"

"Yes, I have drawn my dreams in my sketchbook."

"Well done; show me that tree."

"But my sketchbook is in my room."

"Oh, then send me those pictures when you get home."

I nodded. "Please, Namjoon, I need to find the answer to all my questions in one month, and here I come to you with so much hope."

"Don't worry, I will help you, and you will reach your destination soon."

I nodded again. "I'm going now. Uncle Woosik will be waiting."

Namjoon nodded, and I left.


Namjoon pov.

After Taehyung's left, I sat on my chair, thinking about the scene from a while ago.

“Who was he?
If it wasn't Taehyung's, then who else was it?
And who is Taehyung's who has to be given justice?
Why was he telling me to help them?"

I put my head on the table and closed my eyes. After some time, I stood up in shock.

"Jungkook also sees red eyes in his dreams.
He also told me to complete someone's story, and he also cannot sleep throughout the night, and if he sleeps, his eyes open. Taehyung's and Jungkook's dreams are the same.
Are the people in their dreams the same?
But how is this possible?
Taehyung's born in London, and he came to Korea for the first time, while Jungkook is my cousin. I have never heard of any of Taehyung's friendships, so what is all this?
What do these dreams have to do with Jungkook and Taehyung's?"

I stood up. "I have to find out. I have to talk to Jungkook. Tree I have to find out about the tree; maybe some secret will be revealed from this tree. I need to know the main character of this story."

I picked up my bag and went out of the library.

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