chapter 06

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He ran.
He was gasping for breath, but he kept running. When he looked back, that shadow kept getting closer to him, and he ran faster. He kept running and asking for help, but no one was there. Then he stopped at a place while running through the forest. There was silence here. He looked around, but there was no one.

Then suddenly, his breath stopped.

Before him, a house loomed with a foreboding presence, its facade etched with shadows that danced in the pale glow. A towering tree, its branches twisted like frozen tendrils, cast eerie silhouettes that seemed to reach for the boy's very soul.

Perched on a nearby ledge, a pigeon cooed with an unsettling cadence, its eyes fixed on the unfolding terror. The air thickened with an unspoken fear as the boy became acutely aware of the haunting cries echoing through the desolate corridors—a lamentation that pierced the silence and clawed at his deepest fears.

As the boy stood frozen, he became a
helpless spectator to the unseen agony, his eyes fixed on the spectral manifestation of someone's anguished tears. The confluence of the old house, the looming tree, the disquieting pigeon, and the haunting cries wove a nightmare that wrapped around the boy's consciousness, leaving him trapped in a realm where the boundary between dream and reality blurred into a tapestry of horror.

"What is this place? It feels so old, like it's holding onto secrets." He whisper.

Pigeon gaze fixed on him.

"Why is everything so real? Even that pigeon seems like it knows something."

Suddenly, he heard someone crying.
So he slowly walked, then he stopped in front of the old house and said, "Who's crying? I can't see anyone." Suddenly, the crying stopped.

"Jungkook's" name echoed in the air.

"W-who?" he questioned, a hint of fear in his voice.

"Know me," the mysterious voice replied, prompting Jungkook to scan his surroundings.

"You help him; he needs you," the voice continued cryptically.

"W-who n-needs mmm-me?" Jungkook pressed, feeling the tension rise.

"The one who came to complete the story like you, the one who wakes up at night, the one who is very close to you."

Sweat dripped from Jungkook's forehead as he anxiously asked, "W-who?"

"You forget," the voice trailed off, leaving Jungkook in suspense.

Suddenly, two eyes approached him closely, and as the tension peaked, Jungkook's eyes snapped open.


He sat, breathing heavily.
He was shaking badly.
He closed his eyes, opened them again, and started crying.

He slept for a while today after many days, but then he was woken up by a terrible dream. "Please let me sleep. I want to go to sleep. Whose story should I finish? Please help me. Leave me. WHO ARE YOU... DON'T DO THIS TO ME," he began pleading, shouting, and crying while keeping his head on his knees.

But suddenly he felt something, as if he were not alone but someone else was with him. Slowly, he raised his face and looked ahead.

*I am dead. Now knowing that, you will be my friend.*

*Yes, we are friends*

Jungkook stood up.
He is shaking. "W-whose voice is that?"

'*You are not scared of me.*

*I'm not scared of you. You are cute.*

Jungkook opened the door to his room.

*But why are you so cold even in this heat?*

*I am dead, not alive.*

"Who's Who Who's Here? I'm not afraid of anyone. Stop scaring me." Jungkook started screaming in the air.

*Everyone leaves me, Taehyung.*

*But I promise I won't leave you, Jungkook.*

And those voices stopped, but Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise.
"Jungkook....taeyung.. Who are J-jungkook and ta-ta-taeyung? I am alive, so who is this Jungkook?"

Suddenly, he saw a scene in front of him.

*You are my soul, knowing that you cannot be mine.
Even knowing this, you are without heart, without breath.
Even knowing that you are the soul of a dead person.
Knowing this, knowing all this, I still love you.*

"No, no, no. This is the exact tree that is tattooed on my b-back. But who is it that h-hugged that tree?"

Then suddenly the scene in front of him changed, and someone's bathroom was in front of him, in which someone was standing whose face was not looking at him, looking at him all blurred.

*I am leaving your house, kookie. Take care of it.
I know you are listening to me watch.
I want to tell you again... I hope you believe me...
I love you and will continue to do so. You may not be with me, but I will be with you.
I know you saw sorrow.
I know you're in pain, and now I'm leaving you like this and hurting you again.
I have to go...
For my family...
I tried to stop them, but they refused.
I can't tell them your kookie...
They will think I'm crazy.
Kookie, take care of yourself...
We will meet one day.*

Jungkook started to catch his breath, and another scene changed.

This was the scene of someone standing in front of a tree with a rope around his neck.

*Mom I am tired...
Mom, I need peace...
Mom I can't sleep...
Mom I have to come to you...
Mom I'm alone...
Mom, this world is very dirty...
Mom hates my body...
Mom I hate humans...
Mom I am weak...
You will not call.
So what have I come to you for?
mom I love you. I am sorry.*

"No, don't do that." Jungkook stood up and ran towards the scene to save him: "Weak people commit sui*ide; you are not weak; don't do it; don't do it," and then the room went dark again.

Then Jungkook fainted.

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