chapter 14

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"Uncle Woosik Aunt Sarah I have something very important to discuss with you."

They were all eating lunch but Taehyung was having a hard time eating, his behavior had changed, and he wasn't even talking to his uncle and aunt. He wanted to ask questions, he wanted answers, and he wanted to know everything.

"Yes.....tae.....Ask whatever you want."

Taehyung's POV...

At my uncle's words, I looked at him and then saw Aunty who was looking at me.

"Uncle, you have always praised Uncle Taehyung, but Uncle Woosik, my aunt swoon tells me that Uncle Taehyung was a very mean person. He always thought only about himself. He also considered his grandmother a burden."

As I was speaking, Uncle's facial expressions were changing.

"Aunt Swoon also said that he was not mentally fine before his death so he used to fight with everyone and he tried to take his own life and then he died. He was also not a good character person....his actions were not right and that's why grandma died."

Suddenly Uncle Woosik stood up.
"It's a lie it's all a lie"

Aunty Sarah also stood up. I had never seen my uncle so angry before.

"He was not sick, he was completely fine, and his mental condition was also right. Oh god....he gave up everything to take care of your mother and aunt...But all that came out as duplicity when my friend needed them. Your mother Jennie and Aunt Swoon were living their world in London...
My friend used to cry for his sisters. He was left alone since your grandmother died. He missed them...
He used to tell me that he would come to meet me and talk about old things...
There was pain and loneliness in his voice. Your mother and aunt used him all his life, when their purpose was fulfilled, they started to settle their world and my friend-

Uncle whispered. -He was left alone,"

I was listening to everything in shock.

-I used to say to him, don't sacrifice yourself taehyung's...You won't get anything in return. I made a plane to bring him and his mother to London, but your uncle was obsessed with fulfilling his duties, so he was in Korea. Stayed alone.....Then he d-died-

Sarah Aunty caressing Uncle's back.
I was sitting on the chair listening to my uncle's words.

-Your uncle and I were neighbors. We grew up together. Then I came to London and he stayed in Korea. We were far away, but I knew everything about his life. If you want to ask questions, ask your mother....Ask your aunt. But before asking questions, I would advise you to look at your uncle Taehyung's sketchbook once."

"S-sketchbook" my eyes widened

"The sketchbook in which he wrote his sad story"

"You're talking about that book that Mom hides."

Uncle nodded. "Exactly.....the truth of your uncle in this book, the story in which there are many secrets.....When you see it, the truth will be revealed in front of you and the veil will be removed from the faces of people......Go and find an answer to your questions......"

Then uncle left there aunty also went with uncle I was standing there alone.



Jungkook POV.

"Dad Mom, why are you both so quiet? Have you two fought? What happened Mom why are your eyes so swollen tell me."

I knew the reason but still, I asked the question.

"It's okay son, I just can't stay away from you anymore. Please come with us."

"What do you mean to come with us? I can't go Mom I'm happy here."

"But we are not happy.....please stop being stubborn now."

I stood up. "Mom, why do you want me to come back to London? Mom, I'm happy here living very comfortably with Namjoon."

"Comfortable, you have seen your face. These dark spots under the eyes, these terrible patterns on the body.....What do you think? I don't know what you are doing here."

"What do you want to say Mother" I panicked.

"I know everything, kook, I know everything. You are suffering from some strange disease.."

I kept looking at Mom and then came closer to her. "If that's the case, tell me who Jungkook is...What's the story of Jungkook that made him take his own life......Tell me, Mom."

My mother kept looking at my face. "How do you know all this......Jeon how our son knows all this."

Mom was looking at me like I was some strange creature.

"Mom. Dad didn't tell me anything and I don't know anything, but I know that Jungkook has a very important role in my life......Mom, I feel him.....I always have him with me...Mom-

I took off my shirt, "look at my tattoo-

My parents started looking at my body...

-This is not a normal pattern, mom. It's a tattoo.....These are stories from my dreams... This is the story of two characters who died...
mom these eyes are watching.....
These eyes are the one who sees me sometimes while drowning in water sometimes between burning trees...
mom these eyes cry to me for help...
I hear someone crying on this grave......
This is no ordinary g-grave.....and see this-

I bent my back in front of them...

-This tree is the one that he took his life in.....He died by hanging from that tree.....
mom....he he was complaining to his mother before he died......
He was s-saying that this world is not good, he hates humans......Mom, w-who was he, Mom, I have to find him...-

I fell to the floor. "I c-can't sleep...Mom when I go to s-sleep he comes in my dreams and I w-wake up.....scared-

I held mom's hand who was sitting in front of me..

-Mom, h-he needs p-please tell me if you know Jungkook's, mom please solve my problem...I w-want to r-rest Mom please...I am tired.... please h-help me.."

My mother hugged me.

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