chapter 10

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The next evening, Taehyung sent Namjoon a picture of a tree from his sketchbook, which Namjoon started researching, but he didn't come up with an answer.

Then he laid back. Jungkook has not been at home since this morning. Namjoon didn't know where he was.
He called Jungkook, but his phone was switched off.

On the other hand, Taehyung's was returning home after the academy, and he saw a place that pleased his eyes. He reached this place and looked around. There was silence. He sat on the bench and started looking at the mountains.

Then...he suddenly felt the presence of someone, so he looked around and saw someone sitting at some distance from him, so he started walking towards him.

Taehyung cleared his throat when he reached him, but that person didn't move. Taehyung's cleared his throat again, but this time too, his effort was futile.

Taehyung's took a deep breath. "Hi, what are you doing here? Are you waiting for someone?"

That man did not answer.

"I'm talking to you. Who are you?"

"I don't know who I am."

Hearing this, Tae looked at his back with surprise and then started looking at the mountains. "How can it be that you don't know who you are?"

"That's what happens to people like me. They forget their identity."


"When you dig up what you love, you are alone, and you lose your identity as you wander around in the whirlwind of memories. That's what happened to me."

"So you've lost someone."

"To my family."

"Family means parents."

"My friends"

"So how did... Ah, you lost them. Shall I help you find them?"

Hearing Taehyung's words, the human smiled and turned around. He looked at Taehyung's. "Not in this world. They are gone."

Taehyung's eyes widened when he saw that person's face. "M-min y-yoongi...late famous pop star."

"Hi Taehyung's, you know me. I am happy."

"Everyone knows you, but you are dead."

"Yes, I am."

After that, they both became silent.

"You are scared."

"Scared, no, I am not. Actually, I am your fan."

"Really, young blood like you is my fan. I am happy."

Then he approached Taehyung's and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Taehyung's memories of the past hurt. It's foolish to search for someone after losing them. Those who are lost are never found. But sometimes stories are left incomplete and need someone's help to complete them. He needs you, and you need him. You both came into this world with one purpose, and that purpose is the story."

Taehyung's eyes widened.

"Dreams are incomplete, but they are a support for living. Do not be afraid of dreams; they speak the truth and tell the truth. They ask questions, they ask for help, and they need help. Everyone needs help telling the truth."

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to say what they want to say to you, Taehyung's."

"Who they." I asked the question to be afraid.

He looked behind me. "He is with you. He is still with you. He's with you everywhere."

I saw everywhere, but I didn't see anything.
Then I started looking back in front of me, and I was surprised because no one was there in front of me. I was scared.
Then I started calling his name, but there was silence in response.

"Min Yoongi, how do you know my dreams?"

I turned back and started walking from there.

"You have to open it, Taehyung's; he has written all his story in it. Find the truth."

I looked around again and then started running without thinking. While running away, I suddenly hit someone, and I fell to the floor. But I was not lonely; I was with me.

"Sorry." We both spoke together, and when we looked into each other's eyes, the time for me was stopped.

He was the one I saw at Jackson's house. What was the name I started to think about? He stood up.

"You," he said, looking at me.

I also stood up. "You recognized me."

He shook his head.

"How are you? That day, you went without talking to me."

He was watching the floor. "I leave."

"JK." He stopped. He kept his jacket in his fist. He was very afraid.

"I was going home, so our house is on the same street, so we go along; actually, I am scared."

He looked at me, and I lost his eyes. "Sure. Let's go."

I, too, started walking behind him. There was no talk between us. He kept going straight. What is this human to be hidden at all? I usually read the eyes of humans, but this is the first man whose eyes have not seen me. His eyes are beautiful but completely empty, nor did I see the hope of living in his eyes, nor did no one wish. Rather, I see the night of grief and the blood around his eyes.

I had arrived home near the door and turned to say goodbye to him, but he was already walking towards his destination. I kept watching him as he was walking in the way he was walking.

“Who are you? What happened to you that you are so quiet? JK. Why does your face seem familiar to me? Who are you?"

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