chapter 07

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Tae POV.

"You know, your uncle was a very intelligent person. I wish I could have spent more time with him."

Three days had passed in Korea, and my admission was done. My class started yesterday. The class duration was not too long. But I told my uncle about the 6-hour class, which surprised him, but I told him that there would be some extra classes after the class, and I would like to spend some time in the library, so I will be late. On which Aunty and Uncle agreed with me.

Now we were all enjoying coffee and talking under the blanket. It was snowing outside. I liked the atmosphere. The people at my uncle's house are very friendly, and it was nice to spend time with them.

Jackson is also a good person; he went to introduce me to his friends. He has many friends; I don't even remember their names. Mom orders me not to go outside the house unnecessarily, but I have come here with one purpose, and that purpose is'my dreams'.

I know the language that the people in my dreams speak. My dreams are about Korea. Therefore, I have to complete the story that mentions the characters of my dreams. The address that Alex sent me is very close to the academy, so I have chosen this academy. Now I will meet this person tomorrow and seek his help.

Uncle Woosik was talking about my late uncle; he was sharing many stories with me. The relationship between him and his uncle was very good, and I was surprised to hear everything.

"Uncle Woosik, you and Aunty told me so many things, but you didn't tell me where my grandmother's house is located. Even my mother never told me which city is my grandmother's house. You know my uncle's house."

On this question of mine, Aunty started looking at me and then started looking at Uncle. I also started looking at Uncle, who was a bit worried.

"There are no answers to some questions, and there are some answers, but it is better to remain silent on these questions. Son, we do not know the house in which your uncle and grandmother lived. Actually, after your aunt Soowan and your mom moved to London, your uncle Taehyung left Seoul; no one knows where he went."

I was surprised to hear all this. "Then how did Mother know about Uncle Taehyung's death? You are talking. Uncle had moved to an unknown place. And you are saying you know uncle secrets."

On this question of mine, Auntie stood up and sat beside me.

"Tae, don't bring up your uncle's death. 20 years have passed since his death, and you are still young. Your mom has given us your responsibility. Please focus on your studies while you are here. I hope you understand me."

Auntie's eyes were wet, so I smiled. But inside my heart was saying that there is something that all these are hiding from me.


"So you are saying that your uncle and aunt are hiding things from you. Why did they hide things from you? Yesterday you told me they were very good people, but now you are telling me all this."

"Alex, I am telling you everything that I feel. Everything was fine, then suddenly, when I mentioned my late uncle to them, they looked at each other nervously at first, then they said strange things to me on this question, and then he instructed me to remain silent. You tell me now I doubt them."

"Tae, maybe your mother said something to them. Look, Tae, you are going to find out the interpretation of your dreams, which I am against. If you want, sit here and understand the solution to your problem. You could have known, but you chose to go to Korea. Now that you're there, just find out the meaning of your dreams and come back to London. Please don't look for the reason for your uncle's death."

I was in my room. After eating, I was in my room to sleep, but I was not sleeping as usual, and if I did, a dream would wake me up.

"So you are advising me to stick to my real purpose instead of my uncle's death."

"Exactly, Tae, you said to go to Korea for a few days. Remember your mother. You have to fulfill your goal as soon as possible."

I took a deep breath and said, "You're right, I'll stop this topic."

"Don't forget you have to meet this boy by 4 o'clock tomorrow. Reach the library I told you about. I already told him about your dreams. The rest is for you to talk to him yourself."


"Now I hang up. I have a date today."

I smiled after listening to him, said goodbye to him, hung up the phone, and started looking out of the window myself. I may have to wait for time to know the reason for his death.


Author pov.

In the dreamy realm of their embrace, Tae and Kookie swayed to an imaginary melody, their laughter weaving into the air like delicate notes. Their happiness painted the scene with vibrant hues, and the world around them blurred into a soft-focus backdrop, leaving only the two figures entwined in the dance of love.

As they spun and twirled, the connection between them radiated, creating an aura of bliss. Tae's eyes sparkled with joy, reflecting the warmth of Kookie's embrace. The dream was a canvas painted with the strokes of their shared laughter and the gentle brush of their intertwined fingers.

In the midst of their euphoria, a subtle shift occurred. Kookie's vibrant eyes, once filled with mirth, clouded over with an unseen sorrow. Tae sensed the change, the rhythm of their dance faltering as he looked into Kookie's eyes with concern etched on his features.

"What's wrong, Kookie?" Tae's voice, usually lighthearted, took on a gentler tone.

Kookie hesitated, the weight of his emotions palpable. "I don't know, Tae. It's like a shadow creeping into my heart, and I can't shake it off,"

he confessed, his grip on Tae tightening. Tae's expression softened with understanding. He held Kookie tighter, making a silent promise that he was there, no matter the storm within. "You're not alone, Kookie. We face everything together. What's troubling you?"

A sudden wave of despair enveloped Kookie, and he bowed his head, unable to meet Tae's gaze. "I don't know how to explain it. It's just a heavy feeling, like something's missing."

Tae's heart ached at Kookie's vulnerability. "We'll figure it out together. You and me, always," he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to Kookie's forehead.

Yet, despite Tae's reassurances, the despair lingered, casting a shadow over their dance. The music, once a source of their elation, now carried an undertone of melancholy, resonating with the complexities of their emotions.

As they continued to dance, a single tear traced down Kookie's cheek, mirroring the turmoil within. Tae, overwhelmed by the sight, felt his own eyes welling up. Their dance became a poignant expression of love—a dance that embraced not only joy but also shared pain.

"I thought we were invincible," Kookie admitted, his voice whispering.

Tae wiped away Kookie's tear, his own eyes glistening. "We still are, Kookie. Our love is stronger than any darkness."


Then suddenly, Jennie's eyes opened, abruptly pulling her from the vivid dream. "What was that?" She is shaking badly. "I have to go to K-korea asap." She looks at Kai. He was sleeping peacefully. She wiped her tears and lay down. "I am sorry, Oppa, p-please forgive me. Don't hurt h-him. He is my s-son. Please forgive me, oppa. Please forgive you, p-princess."

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