The Sandlot: The Beast, Part 1

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Benny jumps from the fence of Mr. Mertle's backyard and I smile "Good job Benny" He smiles then looks up "OH SHIT!" The beast jumps over the fence and Benny starts running grabbing my wrist, dragging me along with him, We run down the sidewalk "Why did I come?" He looks back at me 

"To be honest I don't even know" We both try not to laugh so we don't lose more of our breath and almost ran into the paper boy and fell onto the hood of the car "Hurry!" He says grabbing my hand and we both jump over the car and pushes me in front him so I could stay safer he pushes down garbage cans to try to stop the beast it did not work.

I whip open the back door to the movie theater holding it open before we slide under the projector screen and the beast jumps through the screen slowly catching up to us we run into thr fourth of July parade and run through the tables with the beast still behind us.

We both then see two bakers holding the huge cake that's at the end of the table and our eyes widen "WATCH OUT!" Benny yells as the bakers duck and lower the cake and we both jump over it and land on our feet painting before starting to run again, We then run through the pool with the dog still behind our tails and see the boys next to the pool exit 

"Look out! Look out! Sandlot, Sandlot Sandlot let's go!" Me and Benny both yell, "Where are they?" ham says before Smalls saw me and Benny running into the Sandlot "There they are!" Me and Benny both run and the beast chews up Benny's baseball jersey. 

We both then climb the fence and jump and flip then fall and let out a groan of pain as we land on our backs and Benny grabs my hand and helps me up as we run from the fence towards the back of the house, The beast then crashes through the fence as "LOOK OUT!" He yells as he covers me and protects me if the beast were to come before the dog can come the fence falls on the dog.

We both look up "Oh man..." Benny says as he takes off his hat and I rub my head and he looks at me "You okay?" I nod "Yeah, you?" He nods himself "Yeah" We then look over to Smalls who goes to the fence and tries to lift it up "Benny, Y/n! Help me! He's Hurt!" We both get up and Benny tosses Ham the baseball before us three lift up the fence

The beast the runs from under the fence as we then drop the fence and I stand up, Smalls then looks to his left and sees The Beast next to him and he then starts licking his face, Benny stand up next to me and we both lightly laugh at the sight "We doubted this poor thing this whole time" I say as I pet the dog

The beast then goes out to the corner behind some random stuff "Where is he going" Smalls says "Let's go see" I say before us 10 go to the dog and he digs up a pile of baseballs "Wow" Smalls says "Now we can play forever" Benny says with a small smile 


It's 2024!! This was the first imagine of 2024 and I promise Ya'll there is much more to come, Happy new year to you all wish you the best to come this year. I will make a part two of this and Benny, Y/n and Smalls will go to Mr. Mertle's house, Hope you enjoyed this

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