Michael Ryan

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I was at the diner drinking Pepsi and I saw my good friend Michael Ryan. "Hey Michael! Over Here" I say as he walks over and takes a seat "Hey Y/n, Sorry I am late Writing this took forever" He says throwing the letter he plans on giving Debbie on the table. "I don't know, I-I think its pretty good just give it to her" I nod and he picks up a paper on the table and looks at me 

"What's this? He looks at me "Oh that's just for the school in LA" I say and he looks at me "You're gonna spend your Senior year in LA?" I nod "I leave on the fifteenth" I say as he looks in my eyes "I didn't know you were gonna do this, Why didn't you tell me?" I shrugged "I did now..."

A waiter comes with a pen and paper and looks at us "Ready to order?" I look at him "Yeah I am, Michael?" "No no, I am too nervous to eat, You go ahead" he says running his fingers through his hair and I look at the waiter "Alright, Well I'd like a sub and a Pepsi please" He nods and writes it in his notebook. He was about to walk to the kitchen but then Michael stops him

"Actually, I'll have a Pepsi too" He says as the waiter writes it in his notepad "Alright, Anything else?" He was about to go to the kitchen and Michael stops him again and looks at me "You're having a sub, Y/n?" I nod and he looks at the waiter "Let me get a sub" "Alright so that's two subs and two Pepsi's, That it?" We both nod "Actually no, uh you don't feel like having any pizza do you?" He asks me and I shake my head "No"

"Give me a small....No no no make it a medium, in fact give me a large pizza" Michael tells the waiter "Alright, So that's two subs, two Pepsi's and a large pizza everything on it" "No no no, Just cheese" The waiter turns to walk away but Michael stops him once again "And- Uh olive, and mushrooms and sauce" I look at him "Michael, Don't give him a hard time"

Michael looks at the waiter and smiles "Everything on it" The waiter says with a nod as he walks off "Hold the onions!" Michael says as I laugh and he looks back at me "So about that school in LA- How am I gonna eat all that food.." I facepalm "I guess that's what happens when you bother the waiter a million times" he laughs "I mean it's his fault for being a waitress!" 

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