Adam Banks

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Today was the first day at Eden Hall which was complete shit, We have a new Coach, Coach Orion. I mean he was alright but I know for a fact Charlie did not like him. After practice we all walk into the locker room "Somebody get me a shovel and bury me right here" Goldberg says laying down on a bench 

I sit next to my boyfriend Adam on the bench "What starts with a w?" Charlie says mockingly "Wussies" Fulton says as Charlie mocks Orion more "That's Wussies on offense and defense defense!" Coach Orion walks in and I sit straight up a bit nervous

"The Eden Hall Academy requires you to maintain a C average to compete I believe that's a bad rule. I don't want any C players on my team B's or better, Or you're gonna be riding a pine pony" He says pining up the positions "Now you got fifteen minutes after each practice to clean this locker room. You got homework to do, Oh and done more thing stay clear of the Varsity until we play them in the JV varsity showdown got that?"

He walks out "Fifteen minutes? Man I can not move" Russ says and I look "Oh look guys he posted our positions" I say standing up and going to the board "I don't believe this, I play left side not right" Fulton says and Russ comes over "Third line? Man that's a major diss" He says walking away 

Adam then comes "I'm not even posted" I look more at the board "Yeah you are Adam banks third line center.......Varsity?..." I say my heart dropping a bit and I grab my gear and walk out the room, This day was already terrible AND on top of that my boyfriend is playing with the jocks. I try to stay away from everyone for the rest of the day it's only because I am just so fed up with today

I go in my dorm with Connie and Julie and flop on my bed and scream in my pillow and Connie rubs my back "Oh Y/n, It's gonna be alright" She says patting my back and I sit up. "I know but what if he gets interested in a cheerleader or something?" I say as a tear rolls down my cheek and Julie walks over "I know nothing is gonna happen between you and Adam you two are so in love and we can all see it" She says and I smile "Oh I hope so, Anything can change I mean he can see another girl then I walk in on them making out or something" I say laying on my back 

 "Or maybe you just watch too many cheesy romance movies where that always happens" Her and Julie both laugh "Maybe that's true.." I say and smile a bit and I hear a knock on the door and I wipe my tears and go to open the door and see Adam standing there "Looks like we should be leaving we will give you two some space" Julie says as her and Connie leave the dorm making it just me and Adam

"Listen I am sorry I just ran out like that I just got nervous, I don't want you to become a jock then fall for a cheerle-" I get cut off by a small kiss "Y/n, I love you too much to do that and besides no one in hell would cheat or leave a great girl like you" He says with a smile and I smile back "Really?" He smiles and we both sit on my bed and he wraps an arm around me

"You're my favorite person ya know? You make me happy when I am sad, You get me through that day especially with your pretty smile" He says pecking my cheek and I blush a bit "You do the same for me Banks" He smirks "I love you" he says as I kiss him "I love you too.." 


I honestly did not know what to add to this one but I think it turned out pretty good. Let me know who you wanna see nexttt

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