Dallas Winston

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(Y/h/c = Your Hair Color)

Me and my good friend Cherry Valance were sitting at the drive ins watching a movie together enjoying our time, Three greasers then come and sit behind us but I brush it off and continue talking to Cherry and enjoying the movie. The oldest greaser there, Dallas Winston who was my age comes behind me and lights a cigarette next to me and Cherry laughs 

I try to ignore it but he then starts talking "Some cute Y/h/c, huh?" He then comes in my ear and starts talking "Are you a real Y/h/c, huh? Are you real?" He sits back in his seat and then puts his feet up behind my chair and falls over I try not to laugh as I see this happen. He then gets up and starts playing with my hair

"How can I find out if this is your real  Y/h/c hair that you have on these- eyebrows" He says pointing to my eyebrows "Cut it out Dal" The boy with tanned skin and jet black hair says but Dallas ignores him. He then sits back in his chair and kicks the back of my seat "Get your feet off my chair and shut your trap" I say looking at him then back at the screen 

"Who's gonna make me huh?" He says and Cherry looks at me "That's the greaser that got out jail or something" She says and Dallas looks at her "Yeah whatever you say honey" "You better leave us alone or I'll call the cops" I say and he rolls his eyes "oh my my you got me scared to death what am I gonna do now Pony? This girl is making me shake" He says unfazed "Why ' you leave us alone, Be nice and leave us alone" I say "I'm never nice" He says as he puts his face next to mine

"Can I uh- interest you in a Coca Cola or a Seven u-" "Get lost hood!" I yell and he looks at me "Sorry I didn't know, I didn't know you had this problem with- Yelling in my face alright I'll go I know when I'm not wanted" He says as he leaves

I then turn around "You gonna start in on us now too?" I ask the young boy with greenish gray eyes "No" he says as I look at him "You don't look the type anyway, What's your name?" He sits up "Ponyboy Curtis" I smile softly "That's an original name" He nods "Yeah my dad he was an original person, I even got a brother named Sodapop it even says so on his birth certificate" I look at the screen then back at Ponyboy

"My name's Y/n" I say with a smile "Ya I know, We go to the same school your a cheerleader" I nod and Cherry looks at him "You don't look old enough to be going to high school" She says "What's a nice boy like you hanging around with that trash?" I ask "Dally's my buddy I'm a greaser too, were all friends" He says a bit defensively "I'm sorry I didn't know...Your brother Sodapop works at a gasoline station at DX I think?" He nods "Yeah that's him"

"Oh Soda's the cute one" Cherry says I smile "He's a doll, I should have known you as brothers" I say as Pony blushes and grins "Why don't we see your brother at school anymore? Has he been working full time since your parents died?" Cherry asks "He's a dropout.." Pony says 

Dally then comes and sits next to me after handing me a coke "Here I think this might cool you off" I throw the coke in his face "Maybe that will cool you off greaser when you learn to talk and act decent Ima cool off too!" I say as he tries to get closer to me "Fiery huh? Just the way I like them" I push him off 

"Come on leave her alone Dal" The tanned boy says as Dally looks at him "What did you say? Whatchu say you little shit? What did you say to me? Wise ass" Dally then leaves and I turn to the two boys "Thank you, He had me scared to death" Johnny looks at me "You sure didn't show it, No one ever talks to Dal like that" I smile "From what I saw you do" I say and he blushes and Cherry looks back at them

"Why don't you two come up here you can protect us" She says as they both come Pony sits next to me as Johnny sits next to Cherry "How come ya'll ain't scared of us like you was of Dally" Johnny asks and I smile "You two are too sweet looking to scare anyone...besides I know about Dallas Winston...you two don't look mean" I say and Pony looks over at me "Yeah right were young and innocent" I look back at him "No you guys have seen too much to be innocent...just not- dirty"

"Come on Dal's okay, I mean he's tough and all but he's a cool guy if you get to know him" Johnny says "Yeah he'd leave you alone if you knew who you were" Pony says and Cherry speaks up "Well I'm glad he doesn't know us" She says "I kinda admire him..." I say Someone then comes behind Johnny and scares him 

"Come on Two, Get outta my hair" Johnny says as the guy with rusty colored hair hands him a beer "Here take a beer it will cool your nerves" He says and looks at us, Well know what we got here? Great grandmothers? What are you young ladies doing with these greasers anyway?" He asks "Dallas was bothering them so we came and sat with em" Johnny says "Hey where is Dally anyway?" He asks as a guy comes "Yeah where is old Dally, I know he slashed my tires!" Pony looks at him "Look Tim, We don't know where he is you guys seen Dally?" He gives us a wink as we all shake our heads

"Well I will be looking for him..."


This one was pretty long that's all I gotta say 🤷 I got no idea's but I don't plan on doing any imagine tomorrow maybe Sunday 


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