D2 Mighty Ducks: Street Hockey

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The team and I workout and do some stretches before Goldberg stands up "I say mute me, Who's with me?" Goldberg says and Dwayne stands up "Goldberg I'm too tired to mute me" He says "Come on guys it's not like we couldn't use the conditioning" I say and Dean smirks "Speak for yourself, Babe" Adam gets up "Her name's Y/n not babe!" He says walking to dean 

"Don't tell me how to talk, rich boy!" He says pushing Adam "Hey Portman chill!" Fulton says as he tries to get between Dean and Adam and we all start arguing as we hear someone  and we all turn around "Hey Team USA, What are you gonna do today a million jumping jacks?"

 A kid with roller blades on, We have all seen this kid before and he just can't shut up to be honest. "This kid is crazier than me forget about him!" Dean says and Jesse looks at the kid "Man, I'm getting sick of you!" The kid skates over "And I'm sick of seeing the USA represented by a bunch of whining babies!" 

I roll my eyes "Well too bad you can't back up that mouth!" I say "Man, me and my boys can take you anytime anywhere" He says and Jesse scoffs "I don't see no boys!" We look at the kid "I got em waiting, grab your gear and let's go play some schoolyard puck or maybe you forgot how it is to play for real pride" A security guy comes 

"Hey you got a pass" He looks at the kid talking to us and brings him out "It's not too far you wimps, Hey what are you doing? get off me! Are you coming or not?" We all look at each other and shrug "Might as well" I say and they nod. We get to the place to play street hockey and the kid's there with a bunch of other guys. 

"My little brother Russ here has been telling me that you guys have been choking big time" Jesse looks at him "Well your brothers got a big mouth" The group of guys look at us and I stiffen as we all get a big nervous "He does doesn't he" Russ's brother says as Russ smiles and we all  let out a breath of relief

"Anyway, we thought we'd call you to see what you got" Russ's brother says "Yeah, We know you can talk to the press and sign autographs and stuff" Luis looks at him "We can do more then that" Russ's brother speaks up again "Oh yeah? But we can teach you how to play like the real USA" Dean rolls his eyes "Really? What would you know about it?" Russ's brother smirks

We start to play street hockey and Russ's brother shoves me into the gate "You gotta earn every inch!" The other team then scores "Ain't no wussies out here either! You keep digging until you score that goal!" Russ's brother yells, Russ then scores and skates over to charlie and takes a sip of water "Take a few breaths, slide some water and get back out there and do it again!" He says as he tosses Charlie the water and Charlie gets playing again. 

Charlie passes the puck to Jesse who tries to pass it to someone else but Russ's brother takes it instead "Don't just stand there! Come and get it!" He says as Luis comes behind him "Don't mind if I do" He says before stealing the puck and shoots it but then crashes into the gate and falls. 

I then pass the puck to Fulton because I know he has strong hits, He hits it but it then hits the top of the can that we are using for the net and it flies and hits someones car "Oh crap" I say and Russ's brother comes "Don't worry it happens all the time" I nod and look at the guy who owns the car "Excuse me sir, Please pass it over" The guy grabs the puck and throws it over

I then get a hold of the puck and score it and we all cheer. As Charlie tries to pass to Connie Russ takes the puck and shoots it in and I look at him "How'd you learn to do that?" I ask amazed and he smiles "Oh, you like that huh?" I nod "Well that's my knuckle puck, drives everyone crazy" 

Kenny then scores and starts cheering but Russ's brother comes "Oh, You messed up now kid Come here! I'm gonna get you, Come here! Come Junior! Come here" He says as he moves closer to Kenny who gets nervous and moves back "Hey hey, I am just  messing with you okay? Listen when a guy comes at you like I just did you do this, Stick, Gloves and Shirt" Russ's brother says whipping off his gloves throwing his stick and pulling Kenny's shirt

"Yeah okay, my turn Stick, Gloves shirt" Kenny says doing what he was taught. We finish up the street game and me and and Connie talk as we walk to go onto the bus and Russ and his brothers and his friends cheer for us before we leave

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