Happy New Year

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Grey was used to being alone. It was something he grew accustomed to over time. So, of course he came to the conclusion that's how it would always be, but it turns out that things can work out for the better.

Grey's life did a complete 180° when he met the right people -- his chosen family. Peter Parker, his caring and loving boyfriend who was always there to listen and help, healed something in him.

New Year's Eve: one of many holidays Grey used to spend alone in his apartment, now spent surrounded by loved ones and amazing people.

It was a few minutes before the countdown, and everyone was gathered outside the Avengers tower, on the roof, awaiting the fireworks that would light up the night sky soon.

Loud music played, a cumbia to be exact, which had Tony and Pepper dancing the night away. Maria and Natasha followed suit, actually doing not too bad themselves. Steve and Peggy couldn't keep up with the dance moves, so they settled for swaying to the fast beat.

Sam and Bucky were laughing and drinking, beers in hand as they listened to Rhodey's silly, dramatized stories in which he, coincidentally, always came out the hero. Clint was right beside him, making a few comments here and there, making Sam and Bucky laugh harder.

Thor and Bruce were chilling with Loki and Mobius, watching the others dance. Thor elbowed Loki, leaning in. "Why don't you ask your partner to dance?" he asked with a playful wink.

"I do not dance," Loki lied with a scoff.

"I think I remember seeing you swing around a few times," Bruce joked. "Oh, that was me handling you like a rag-doll, my bad."

Mobius chuckled while he took a sip of his martini, spitting out a bit. He cleaned his mustache and lips, turning to Bruce. "Well, I'd like to hear that one."

He had obviously seen that moment at the TVA before, but boy, was it funny every time. Loki bit the inside of his cheek in both annoyance and embarrassment by the mention of that moment. Bruce then began to tell it.

Remi was trying their best to teach Wanda how to dance a cumbia. "Come on! You have to move your hips more," they told her, placing a hand on her waist and interlocking the other with Wanda's hand.

"Pretend you're Shakira," Giz joked, doing her best dancing impression of Shakira. Although it looked more like a cat trying to throw up rather than Shakira herself.

Grey almost cackled at the sight of her. "God, what a freak! Someone spray it with roach spray!"

"Bitch, it!?" Giz exclaimed, halting her every move to raise her hand holding a red solo cup, ready to throw it at Grey's head.

"Okay," Peter swooped in to snatch the cup from her. "Maybe you've had too much of that. What even is it? Are you actually drinking alcohol?" he asked as he sniffed the cup and it reeked of tequila.

"No, it's ass juice," Giz told him with a straight face before turning to Pietro and grabbing his hands. "Let's dance, come on!"

"I can't dance whatever music this is!" Pietro said between laughs, watching as Remi and Wanda struggled to move on the same beat (Wanda's fault). "See, if they're sober and they look stupid, imagine us!"

Remi stopped dancing and turned to Pietro with a frown. "Excuse me? You look stupid on the daily, but I don't say anything."

"You don't say anything? All you do is say stuff!" Pietro raised his hand a bit, closing and opening it to mock Remi. "Mi mi mi mi mi!"

"Son of a--" Remi began to walk towards him, but Wanda stopped them, grabbing their arms.

"How about you and Giz bring the poppers, I think it's about to be twelve," Wanda suggested. She looked over Remi's head. "Grey, what time is it?"

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