The Star Bandits

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Even in the world's biggest tour bus, the six life-long friends found a way to annoy each other. They were all now 22/23 years old, touring around the world together as their stardom skyrocketed.

Their band, The Star Bandits, started off as a small hobby between the Stark twins. When they were nineteen, they started performing at bars and restaurants. Then, Peter joined in. Later on, the Maximoffs joined, and at last, so did Grey.

Giz had always loved singing, ever since she could talk. Even when she couldn't talk yet, her two-year-old self managed to sing in baby gibberish.

Remi also had a talent for singing, but they were also excellent at acoustic guitar. Though Giz could also play guitar here and there, it was more of Remi's thing.

Peter played the bass. Giz and Remi gifted him a really cool dark red bass with a spider web design. Now that everyone knew he was Spider-Man, Peter could rock his identity with pride.

Electric guitar was Pietro's thing. He loved playing riffs that were long (and annoying, according to Remi). On the other hand, Giz loved it. She could stare at him play electric guitar solos for eternity.

On keyboard, there was Wanda. She was always very agile with her hands thanks to her powers. Everyone at the Avengers compound always told her she had "pianist hands", turns out they were right.

And who could be on drums other than the guy who loved hitting things? Grey Anderson. The other five young adults had always tried to convince Grey to join their band, finally after a year of begging him, he joined.

Now, there they were, on their tour bus, arriving to Toronto, Canada to play their first ever show out of the U.S.

It was 5 P.M. as their bus driver drove into Toronto. Everyone on the bus was asleep, enjoying a very much needed nap before a two-hour long concert.

Loud clanking noises woke everyone up. Giz rose her head up from Pietro's chest. She had forgotten they were sleeping in a tight space, and therefore, she hit her head on the bottom of the bed above her. "Fuck!" she exclaimed.

Pietro groggily frowned, rubbing her head softly. "Are you okay?" he asked. He winced at the loud noise. "Why does he always do this?" he groaned, turning over in the small bed and covering his head with a pillow.

Giz sighed and jumped out of the bed, landing in the hallway of the tour bus. Immediately, she spotted Grey sitting down on the long seat, using his drum sticks to bang empty metal pots. "Are you fucking serious? We already talked about this," she angrily told him.

Remi and Wanda peeked out of the bed they were sleeping in, squinting their heavy eyes as they watched Giz walked over to Grey and snatch the drum sticks away from him.

"Hey! Give them back!" Grey stood up, grabbing them from Giz's hands, but she wasn't letting go.

"No! You're banned from using them!" She tried slipping them from his grip, but her attempt wasn't working. Now, they were both just playing tug-of-war with the drum sticks.

"Banned from drumming? Then how about you get banned from singing and shut the fuck up!?" he argued, pulling the sticks away from her successfully.

Giz got frustrated and used her powers to send the four metal pots flying at him. Grey protected his head with his arms.

As the metal pots fell to the floor of the bus, Peter rushed out of the restroom with a toothbrush in his mouth. "Hey! No powers in the bus, remember?" Peter reminded Giz of the rule they all had. He took the toothbrush out of his mouth. "What's going on?"

"Your boyfriend is banging on metal pots and annoying everyone, including Lenny!" Giz exclaimed, pointing at the bus driver.

"I don't care," was all Lenny said in return. He never said much other than 'I don't care' and 'We're here'.

"Come on, he's just practicing," Peter defended Grey as he began walking back to the restroom. "We're all nervous. And he's not my boyfriend, he's my fiancé."

Remi finally hopped out of bed. "Aren't we all?" they said with a small laugh, holding up their left hand and showing off their engagement ring.

Giz finally relaxed and smiled, also raising her hand to show off her own ring. "Yup," she agreed.

"Now it's a race to see who gets married first," Wanda joined in, yawning as she hugged Remi from behind, pressing a kiss to their cheek.

"Please," Pietro rolled out of bed, throwing a pillow that hit both Remi and Wanda. "You know I always win races." He smiled and walked over to peck Giz on the lips.

"We're here!" Lenny announced as he always did. The bus coming to a screeching halt in front of their hotel.

Remi hit Pietro's back with the pillow as hard as they could, then threw it back onto his bed. "Wake up, people!" Remi announced. "We got a show tonight! Let's get moving!"

* * *

The lights. The cameras. The multitude of people. It was all surreal. Had they really come this far in their careers? They all simply couldn't believe it.

The Star Bandits were all standing on a big platform under the stage that would rise at any moment, placing them in front of thousands of people.

Huddled up and ready to go, they all turned to each other, standing in a small circle. Giz put her hand in the middle. "Put all your nerves in the middle of the circle," she said. Everyone stacked their hands on top of each others'. "We're about to perform the greatest show we've played so far, and we've got many more coming."

Everyone nodded in agreement. "We got this, let's go!" Remi gave one last sentence of reassurance as they all threw their hands in the air and the platform began to rise.

The band could hear the multitude chanting their name. "Star Bandits! Star Bandits! Star Bandits!" The platform stopped as they were all now fully on the stage. They each ran to their own position.

As Giz and Remi ran to the microphones, Giz yelled "How are you doing Toronto!?" The crowd screeched even louder in return.

There were plenty of people waving banners they made. Each band member had their own fans who favorited them. Remi smiled at a girl that held up a sign that said 'I Dyed My Hair Green For Remi!'

"How about we let you choose the first song?" Remi shouted into the microphone, pointing at her. The girl began jumping up and down excitedly, waving the banner even more. She yelled as loud as she could the title of the song she wanted them to play. "Sonder? Did I hear that right?" Remi questioned. The crowd went crazy at the mention of that song. The girl nodded rapidly.

"Is everyone ready?" Giz asked. The crowd cheered again. "Here goes Sonder!"

Grey clicked his sticks together, counting down the beat, and the band began playing. It was a rock song Giz and Remi had written together a while back when they began playing at bars. It was one of their first 'good' songs that got attention.

As the night went on, the show was a success. There were some mishaps — one of Grey's drum sticks flying out of his hand and a fanboy happily catching it (good thing he had spares), a fan passing out when Pietro played his famous guitar solo, Giz going for a crowd dive and losing her right shoe in the process, and Remi gifting their favorite bracelet to the young green-haired girl (they wanted to do it, but it hurt to give away the bracelet in the end).

Back in the hotel room, the band met up in one of the rooms they had rented. They all shared a big dinner of pizza, wings, and some drinks. It was truly one of the greatest shows they'd ever had... yet.

A/N: I didn't know how to write this without writing a whole ass song in the process 😭 Cuz trust me, I was about to.... LMAO

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