Teacher AU Pt. 2

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A/N: Because Remi said so 🫡

Giz was eight minutes late to meet Pietro. She entered the bar, and given that it was a Friday night, there was a lot of people. Not too crowded, not too empty, just right. There was even live music — a four-person band jamming it up with old rock. The bar was lit up dimly, but colorful lights from the stage showered the rest of the place.

          The young teacher was wearing a spaghetti-strap black dress, reaching her mid-thigh. It wasn't too tight, but it fit well enough. Her legs were covered with sparkly black tights which were purposely ripped. To protect her from the cold a bit, she wore a black leather jacket. Finally, on her feet, there were black combat boots.

         At times, Giz had to remind herself she was still young, and that she could dress like a twenty-four year old if she wanted to, despite her career. She also didn't want to overdress nor underdress, so of course her slight tardiness was due to her indecision in clothing.

         Finally, her eyes met with those familiar striking blue eyes. Pietro waved his hand at her, unsure if she had seen him from afar. Giz made her way to the small two-person table he had chosen in the corner. As she sat down, she took off her leather jacket, throwing it onto the back of the chair. She tilted her head and squinted her eyes playfully. "Interesting choice of seating," she told him.

         "Oh," he scoffed, placing his hand on his chest. "I apologize, miss Star. Would you like to arrange the tables to your liking?" Giz's jaw dropped a bit at his sarcasm. She then chuckled a bit and rolled her eyes. "I'll go get our drinks, what would the lady like?" Pietro asked as he began to get up from his seat.

         Giz thought for a second. "I'll get a paloma," she told him to which he nodded. As she watched him walk away, she finally scanned his outfit. Pietro wore black jeans, black Jordan 1s, and a black, long sleeve button-up shirt, except he had pulled the sleeves up to his elbows, which of course made him look better.

         As he quickly came back with the drinks and he sat down, Giz also noticed that the guy smelled good, not dunked in cologne like other men she'd taken a whiff of before. "So," Pietro began the conversation, "my nephews?" He gave her a little teasing smile, knowing her plan was never to actually have a parent-teacher meeting with him.

         Giz took a small sip from her drink. "What nephews?" she asked, short-circuiting a bit. Finally, she realized. "Oh! Yeah, yeah, your nephews, uhm..." She tried her best to come up with something, anything, but it was tough when Pietro wasn't breaking eye contact as he took a swig from his beer bottle. "They're- They're doing fine, great stude—"

         Pietro chuckled, interrupting her mid-sentence. "When was the last time you had a 'meeting' with a guy in a bar?" Pietro asked. It came out as a joke, but he also wanted to know if Giz did this often — went out to bars with parents she found attractive.

         Giz smiled to herself, looking down at her drink as she answered. "I actually haven't gone out with someone in a while," she answered honestly. Her eyes finally met his. "Focused on my studies, had my sister there as moral support. For a long time, all we needed was each other," she continued with a shrug.

         "Your sister is Moonee's teacher, aren't they?" Pietro had been told this by his own sister. Wanda had been talking nonstop about how embarrassed she was to arrive to pick up Moonee so late that one time, rambled on about how understanding Remi was. Of course, Pietro would completely omit that part.

          Giz nodded. "Remi's their name. They're pretty great, and I've heard so many good things about Moonee, and your sister—" Giz stopped herself, but it was too late. She had slipped. She quickly took a big sip from her paloma and cleared her throat as Pietro chuckled at her. "Forget that last part..."

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