The Stark Siblings Babysit

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A/N: this is not good js 😭

Light pink walls decorated with vinyls, necklaces, and band posters set the mood perfectly as Giz and Remi sat on the floor, tarot cards spread out. Dazed and Confused was playing from Giz's record player.

Remi was trying their best to read Giz's cards, but Giz kept humming guitar solos in an annoying high-pitched voice. "Shut the fuck up! Oh my God!" they exclaimed, pressing their hand on Giz's mouth.

Distant quick footsteps were heard from far away. A familiar face popped in the doorway. "Guys, they're gonna force us to babysit Morgan," Peter warned them as he ran into the room.

"Wha— Ew! Disgusting fuck!" Remi screeched, retracting their hand from Giz's face. She had licked the palm of their hand to force them away. Remi frowned as they got up and walked towards Giz's dresser, squirting sanitizer on their palm.

Giz turned to Peter, also getting up from the floor. Peter looked grossed out by what Giz had done, but he shook it off when Giz spoke. "Why? Who said so?" she questioned.

"I think I heard your parents say something about going to an adult-only event and—"

"Kids!" Tony's voice echoed down the hallway as his footsteps seemed to be getting closer.

"He's definitely going to force us," Remi said with a disappointed nod. They waved their hands in the air to dry out the sanitizer.

Tony walked in with a three-year-old Morgan in his arms. He put her down on the floor. "You're gonna babysit your sister today. Your mom and I will be back by, like, seven p.m."

"Great! See you at two a.m. then!" Giz told him sarcastically. It was very obvious that Tony and Pepper would not be back early. It was an adult-only event, meaning lots of alcohol, lots of partying.

Morgan waddled over to Giz's record player. She was about to touch the spinning vinyl until Giz snatched her off the ground, carrying her quickly. "No!" she exclaimed. "Oh my God, okay, we're not gonna hang in my room."

"Whatever, as long as you don't leave the tower," Tony told them, giving the three teenagers a look. The teenagers smiled back, knowing they would not listen to his suggestion.

"Sure, have fun!" Remi waved Tony away. They waited for a bit, hearing as their parents walked into the elevator and disappeared for the evening. Remi sighed.

"Here, I don't want it," Giz said as she handed Morgan over to Remi. As she pushed Morgan away, the toddler's hand flew quickly towards Giz's face, a hard slap almost echoing through the room. "Fuck!" Giz exclaimed.

Peter and Remi burst out laughing. Remi took Morgan in their arms quickly before Giz potentially dropped her. "That's what you get for calling her an 'it', right?" Remi kissed Morgan's cheek.

Giz rubbed her cheek soothingly. "Whatever, we have to feed her something," she reminded her siblings. Giz turned to Morgan and stuck her tongue out. Morgan did the same thing but quicker, that way the others wouldn't see. "Oh my God, did you guys see that!?"

Peter and Remi turned to Giz. "What?" Peter asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked around the room.

"Morgan stuck her tongue out at me!" Giz was surprised, to say the least. It was the first time Morgan did that, in front of her, at least.

"Shut up. No, she didn't," Remi put a stop to Giz's yapping. "Come on, to the kitchen." Remi pushed Peter out the room with their free hand. Giz followed behind them.

"Don't do anything, just take care of Morgan," Peter told Giz, pushing her to the side.

"What the fuck? Why?" Giz asked with a frown as Remi placed Morgan in Giz's arms again.

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