Hotel Rendezvous (TUA)

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A/N: I don't want to interfere with your AU and the storyline your building so this is just a one shot outside from the TUA story‼️ just for funsies, it takes place when the Hargreeves are in their early 20s

Also I made mood boards for our OCs cuz why not ⭐️

Also I made mood boards for our OCs cuz why not ⭐️

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Giz Hargreeves / Number Eight

Remi Hargreeves / Number Nine

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Remi Hargreeves / Number Nine

Now here's the dumb liro one shot 🐭

Remi had just finished a shift from their job as a waitress. They walked into the apartment they shared with a roommate, who had probably gone clubbing for the night. It was nine p.m. so this meant Remi's roommate wouldn't be back for another few hours.

As they walked into their room, they saw a carefully placed envelope on their bed. Remi was skeptical as they slowly stepped towards it, picking it up and examining it. They ripped it open and read the letter inside.

Remi Hargreeves, you have been cordially invited to the most fantastic night of your life in the following location: Twin Pines Hotel, room 1634. We'll be expecting you ;)

– someone you love very much

Remi scrunched their nose as they finished reading the message. "What the fuck?" they muttered under their breath. With a shrug, they figured it was worth a try. If it was some sort of trap, Remi missed fighting anyway. They just wanted to not be bored, especially tonight out of all nights.

Once at the hotel, Remi knocked on the hotel room door, not knowing what to expect. It was quickly opened by a familiar face. "Rem-Rem, you made it!" Klaus exclaimed, pulling Remi by the arm into the room. He shut the door behind them.

To Remi's realization, this was a little scheme set up by Klaus, and of course, he couldn't have done it alone. Seven out of nine Hargreeves siblings were there — Five was still missing and Ben was deceased.

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