Jealousy, Jealousy

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A/N: Idk how old Harley is supposed to be but the actor is 22 so😭 gonna make him the same age as the others

College. That fresh breeze of the spring air wept up a few brown leaves from the ground, making them dance around the campus benches.

"I chose all my professors carefully this semester," Peter told his friends as they all sat on a table outside the student union where they served food and drinks. "Not making the same mistake as last year."

"What? How did you choose your professor?" Pietro questioned, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.

"," Giz informed him. "After my first semester, I learned my lesson." Giz shook her head, remembering how she fucked up her GPA completely — a secret she still kept from her parents.

"I want to join a club this semester," Wanda announced, taking a sip from her water bottle. "I just want to have fun honestly," she said with a shrug.

Remi draped their arm around Wanda. "We can join one together," they suggested, to which Wanda happily nodded and kissed Remi's cheek.

Pietro gagged dramatically. "Gross," he groaned.

"Oh, please, you and Giz are grosser," Grey came to Remi and Wanda's defense. "In fact, Giz is gross on her own."

"Hey, what the fu—"

Before Giz could cuss Grey out, a tall, lanky guy with puffy brown hair approached them. He was handing out flyers. "Hey," he greeted the group of friends. "Would any of you guys be interested in joining the robotics club?"

Peter's ears perked up as he heard the word 'robotics', he was already making a mental note to tell Ned. He took the flyer from the guy's hand and read it. "You seem interested," the guy continued. "I'm Harley Keener, head of the robotics club." Harley stretched his hand out to shake Peter's, so Peter politely shook it.

Grey immediately clenched his jaw and fist, instinctively putting an arm around Peter, looking Harley directly in the eyes. "We'll think about it, thanks," Grey muttered through gritted teeth.

"Oh," Harley let out a nervous chuckle, "yeah, no problem. If you guys make up your mind, my student e-mail is right there on the flyer, or you can find me in that room," Harley pointed to a specific section on the paper, "Mondays and Wednesdays after 5 P.M."

"Thanks," Peter said with a nod as Harley walked off. He turned to Grey and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What was that?" Peter asked.

"What?" Grey questioned.

"Grey got jealous," Giz mocked in a sing-song tone, pointing at Grey with her iced coffee. "You scared of Mr. Robotics stealing your man?"

"Hey, let's take Pietro to see the women's swimming team practice, how about that?" Grey retaliated.

"You fucking—" Giz began standing up, but Pietro pulled her back down to her seat, pulling her close to him, whispering reassuring words in her ear that somehow calmed her down. She then stuck her tongue out at Grey.

"Wait," Remi sat up on the chair, "Peter, I think you should join the robotics club." Remi wasn't the type to instigate with Grey, but for some reason, him being jealous made it entertaining.

Grey quickly turned to look at Remi, a frown on his face. Peter thought about it for a second. "I think I will," he genuinely replied. "I'll tell Ned about it. It's been our thing for so long."

"You're- You're actually gonna e-mail that guy?" Grey asked with a scoff, hitting the flyer softly.

"No way," Wanda let out a small laugh. "You are jealous. You're so silly," she told Grey.

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