New Years

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Character: Sunny

Age: 17(a couple years after Sunny moved)

Game/Show: Omori


3rd POV

Sunny sat in his room alone, headphones on, listening to music at full blast to try and cancel out the noise. He was writing poems at his desks, more specifically haikus. 

5 syllables, then 7, then 5 again. A simple rule to follow for this style of poem and he liked to write these. He's been writing these as a way to relieve his stress. It was also to vent onto a piece of paper, as he has felt he would burden those around him.

He paused his music and left to the kitchen for lunch, which was the first meal for him today and was the first he left his room that day as well. He saw his mother watching TV in the living room and silently made himself a sandwich with deli meat and cheese and grabbed a soda from the fridge as he put the meat and cheese back into the drawer within the fridge.

He sat down at the table, opening his soda with a loud click and hiss, which his mother paid no mind to as she kept watching. Halfway through eating, he got up to grab some chips out of the pantry, just gently grabbing it made a loud crinkling noise, to which his mother asked, "What are you eating?"

"... A sandwich and chips." She acknowledged his answer and went back to watching whatever the hell she was watching. Sunny sat down once more and ate his chips and sandwich, looking up every so often with no interest in his mom's show, but it was just something to keep him entertained as he ate.

He went back to his room, turned his music back on and kept writing his sorrows away in the style of a haiku

Being stuck in crowds

My time alone I yearn for

Yet life isn't fair

(This is a haiku I wrote myself)

He read through the poem he has written and smiled softly at his work. It probably wasn't the best, but he was proud of himself nonetheless.


He had been doing this for hours before he got up to take a shower, only to be startled by the loud boom of a firework. He ignored it and took his shower, then getting dressed into a comfortable black long sleeve shirt and black basketball shorts.

He went back to his room and turned his music back on, still able to hear the fireworks through them. He sighed heavily and kept writing his poems.

Hours passed until it was 11:56, just minutes away for the new year to pass. Sunny at this point has been watching a show on his computer and the fireworks have been overwhelming him. 


He left his room to find that his mother was already sleeping. This would be one of the first times after he and his mom moved that he would be spending New Years alone.


The fireworks kept going and going...


Finally, after what felt like an eternity...

It was 12, and the date on his computer went from 12/31 to 1/1.

He held his knees to his chest, the fireworks still going. He softly whispered to himself...

"... Happy New Year."


have a good morning/day/night (depending on when you read this)

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