Chapter 6: C.D.C.

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The sun was starting to set when we arrived at our destination. The C.D.C. Daryl opened his door, grabbing his crossbow and the shotgun that sat in-between us. I stepped outside the passenger door grabbing my shotgun that Rick gave me that sat in-between my legs for the duration of the ride.

The moment I stepped out of the truck, the smell of decay hit my nose. I put my hand up to cover my nose and mouth, but that did very little. Next that I took in was the sound of flies everywhere buzzing. Bodies were littered every where, I guess we weren't the only ones to have the idea to come to the C.D.C.. Just glad we weren't here when this happened.

"Okay, keep moving. Stay quiet." Shane said in a hushed tone, as we all quietly maneuvered our way up to the doors of the C.D.C. Shane pounded on the shutters causing the metal to rattle.

"There's nobody here." T-dog said.

"Then why are these shutters down?" Rick looked back to T-dog, holding his shotgun.

"Walkers!" Daryl called out.

I whipped around and saw a stray walker coming closer to us. Just as I saw it, it was immediately dropped, an arrow sticking out of his head. "You led us into a graveyard!" Daryl yelled.

"He made a call!" Shane yelled back, stomping his way over to Daryl.

"It was the wrong damn call!"

"Shut up! You hear me?" Shane shoved Daryl back away from Rick.

"Rick we need to leave!" I shouted as I saw more walkers approaching.

"Where are we gonna go?" Carol had her arms wrapped tightly around Sophia.

"She's right, we can't be here this close to the city after dark." Lori said as she still held tightly onto Carl.

"Fort Benning, Rick. Still an option."

"On what Shane?! Pixie dust? We have no food, no gas! It's 100 miles!" I shouted.

"125. I checked the map." Glenn said.

"My point. Pixie dust." I said in a frustrated voice.

"Forget Fort Benning. We need answers tonight, now!" Lori said franticly.

"We'll think of something!" Rick said trying to calm everyone down.

"Let's go, come on." Shane began to push everyone back, but Rick didn't budge.

I stopped moving, trying to wait for Rick, "Rick come on!"

"The camera, it moved!" He yelled.

"You imagined it." Dale said as he kept on walking with everyone.

"It moved." Rick repeated.

"It's an automated device, man. It's gears, okay?" desperation seeped from Shanes voice.

"I know you're in there! I know you can hear me! Please, we're desperate. Please help us. We have women, children no food, hardly any gas left. We have nowhere else to go!" Rick pleaded as Lori came running up to Rick to get him to walk away.

"Rick please!" I yelled, I turned around and the amount of walkers gathering up were at least in the hundreds.

"If you don't let us in, you're killing us! Please!" Shane came up to Rick dragging him away. As Rick kept shouting, the shutters lifted up revealing glass doors.

"Daryl, Jordyn cover the back!" Shane instructed. I turned around, lifting the shot gun up as I walked backwards into the building.

"Hello?" Rick called out.

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