Pt. 1

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-Velvets POV-

I hate interviews

I was sitting next to Veneer, my little brother. He was rambling on about how we got so much fame to our interviewer, Kid Ritz. I was sitting in the chair with one leg over the other, staring absentmindedly at Kid Ritz. He turned to me and offered a question. "So, Velvet, how do you feel about all the fans you guys have been getting after releasing your newest single, Watch Me Work!"

I smirked, knowing exactly what to say. "I love how everybody enjoys some real talent around here. Me and Veneer practice loads to sound as good as we do!" I boast, leaning forward in my chair and looking at the crowd. The crowd cheered, clapping and screaming. "Very confident! I like that." Kid Ritz said, leaning back in his chair before turning to Veneer.

I leaned back and scanned over the crowd before my gaze landed on a certain girl in the crowd. She had purple hair tied back in a ponytail and was wearing a purple jumpsuit. She was staring at me, eyes wide and a blush across her face. I smirked and gave her a little wave, deciding to entertain her. I watched her scream and fan her face, gripping her friend's shoulder and pointing at me. I giggled to myself before turning my attention to Kid Ritz who had stood up in the moments I had waved at the girl. "Well Mount Rageons! Let's give it up for superstar duo, Velvet and Veneer!" He yelled, gesturing to me and my little brother.

Me and him stood up, waving and blowing kisses to the crowd. "We love you all so much! We love your support!" Veneer yelled to them, winking at the crowd. "Thank you all so so much!" I boasted, waving at all of them as I started to walk off the stage, Veneer close behind. As soon as we were off camera I scoffed and slumped into one of the chairs backstage. "That is soo exhausting!!" I groaned, leaning my head back. Veneer just laughed, staring at Kid Ritz. "Someone catch your eye?" I teased, watching my brother absolutely swoon over the boy putting on a show as the crowd gradually started to leave. "Pfft! What, no! I don't know what you talking about ahaha..!"Veneer stammered, spinning on his heels and waving his hands around.

I raised an eyebrow, watching him miserably fail to cover it up. "Plus, don't even Velvet. I saw you wave at that purple haired girl." Veneer said, now smirking at me. "So? I was entertaining my fans." I scoffed, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. "Mkayy, whatever you say Vels." Veneer chuckled, pulling out his phone to contact our driver that we were ready for pickup. A sudden clear of a throat caught my attention as I spun in my chair, seeing me and Veneers security guard. "Uhm, Velvet, I have a fan who really wants an autograph. Like.. really bad." He said. I stood up, walking over to him and going through the door that led out of the backstage. I raised an eyebrow, seeing the fan he was talking about.

It was the purple girl I had waved at, and she looked like she was close to passing out. "Omg, Omg! I've never been this close to a star before!" She shrieked, her voice kind of hurting my ears. A poster of me and Veneer was shoved in my face. "Can you please sign this?" The girl begged, her purple eyes absolutely wide like a begging dog's. I signed, pulling out a pen out of the breast pocket of the jacket I was wearing. I signed my signature on the poster, putting on a fake exhilarated smile. "There you go doll!" I said, patting the fans shoulder. "My name's Orchid, so nice to talk to you Velvet! I can't wait to hear more of you and Veneers music." The girl, Orchid, exclaimed. "Is it so totally okay if I can get a picture?" She asked. "Yes, that is fine." I said, allowing the girl to come next to me with her phone out. I wrapped my arm around her waist and rested my hand on the small of her back while putting up a peace sign for the photo, just as Orchid was doing. "Thank you so much!" She exclaimed, being ushered away by my Security Guard. I waved and gave a small smile before entering back into the backstage.

"You got yourself a super fan there Vel?" Veneer asked, looking up from his phone. I shrugged, "Appears so." Is all I said, following him out as he told me our ride was here to bring us back to our penthouse. The ride back to our apartment was filled with bickering about Veneers little crush on Kid Ritz. Our driver stopped and opened our doors, letting us clamber out to be greeted by the fans crowding the door to the huge building. Me and Veneer posed for the fans while we were carefully led to the door before riding the elevator up to our apartment. We entered it, both instantly splitting up to go to our rooms on the second floor of our apartment. I pushed my door open and instantly got changed out of my dressy outfit and into my silk pajamas. I took my hair down and brushed it out, careful not to yank the tangles in my hair. Soon enough, I was finally done, all my makeup off and my hair flowing loose. A small knock could be heard on my door. "Uhm, Velvet your dinner is ready!" My assistant, Crimp, said. I groaned, her annoying voice giving me a headache.

I slammed my door open, causing Crimp to get pushed out of the way. "Okay.." Is all she said before hustling to get Veneer. I sat down at my side of the table, waiting for my always late brother. He eventually arrived and sat down, his hair pulled into a ponytail. Crimp gave us our dinner as me and Veneer scrolled on our phones. While I was scrolling on instagram, I stumbled onto Orchids profile. I clicked on it deciding to just graze through it. Her recent post was the photo she took of us, the caption reading: "I got to take a photo with my favorite celebrity ever! Thank you so much for the picture and autograph Velvet!" I smiled a little before clicking follow on her account.

-Orchids POV-

A small ping from my phone brought my attention away from my nails. I unlocked my phone and was absolutely blown away from the notification. It said that the official Velvet had begun to follow me. "OMG NO WAYY!!" I screamed, spinning in my chair and giggling and kicking my feet. "What the hell? What are you screaming about?" My roommate exclaimed, storming into my room. "Look!" I shrieked, shoving my phone into his face, pointing at the notification. "Woah! No way!" My roommate, Kid Ritz, exclaimed. "Seems like she enjoyed your interaction, all thanks to me!" He said, putting a hand to his chest and boasting. "Oh whatever." I groaned, rolling my eyes. Kid Ritz left, snickering to himself while I just stared at my phone in disbelief.

This is so unreal..


I'm already so committed to this and I'm the one writing it!!
I hope this gets some attention because I am obsessed with this ship, There will be some Veneer x Kid Ritz in here, I like that ship too.

I hope you liked this chapter!!

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