Pt. 7

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Quick Warning

This chapter will include NSFW, don't read if you're uncomfortable. I know damn well a majority of you guys are horny ass teenagers

Anyways enjoy the chapter!

-Velvets Pov-

I woke up in my room, my eyes red and puffy as I sat up, remembering yesterday. I let out a sigh as I got up and walked to my bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes sunken. I splashed some cold water and held some cold compresses on my eyes, in hopes to get the swelling down. I heard very muffled commotion from downstairs. probably Orchid getting ready.. God.. Orchid. I still feel horrible. I thought to myself, taking the cold compresses off and looking at myself in the mirror again. The swelling was down and I looked a little more alive. I quickly went into my room to apply my non flashy makeup for around the house. I let my hair stay down as I brushed it out and got changed into a hoodie and leggings.

I walked out of my room, beginning to head downstairs. I walked to the kitchen and sat down at my usual spot and got out my phone, avoiding eye contact with Orchid. We were the only ones down here, the vibe settling into a painfully awkward silence. "Good morning Ma'am.." I heard her murmur, trying to keep it as normal as possible. "Morning." I said, putting on my strict tone, refusing to let Orchid see I was hurt. I scrolled through instagram mindlessly, silently begging that Veneer would arrive down her shortly. Orchid quickly got breakfast ready, setting my plate down and Veneers down as well. She leaned against the counter with her laptop, typing in emails to see what interviews we could snag and when we would be putting on new shows.

Veneer came down the stairs and entered the kitchen, taking a seat in his spot. He looked around and sensed the awkwardness. "Uhm.. did something happen?" He asked. "Nope, just tired." I lied, eating my food. He just shrugged and ate as well, checking all of his notifications on his phone. Once I finished I got up to put my plate in the sink, passing Orchid as I did so. She immediately tensed up and shuffled to where she was further away from me. I inwardly winced, sad she was reacting that way. "Do we have any plans today, Orchid?" I asked, hiding the slight waver in my voice. "No. You guys have a free day today." She responded, holding no emotion in her voice. I hummed, before stalking out the kitchen, ignoring the sound of Veneer nagging Orchid for answers. I entered my room and slammed my door close, going to my bathroom to shower all my stress off.

I stood in the shower, letting all my worries pour off as I heard someone walking up the stairs. I finished showering and got out, drying off my hair with a towel before slipping into a t-shirt and shorts. I exited my room, stopping as I saw Veneer on my bed, waiting. "What's going on with you and Orchid? She didn't answer any of my questions." He nagged, his eyebrows furrowing. "Nothing. Drop it Veneer." I spat, going to my vanity to re apply my makeup. "Sis come on! There's no way nothing happened! She's being so dry today and so are you, usually you guys are a little more talkative and happy." He explained, crossing his arms. "I'm being serious, just drop it. We both just woke up in a bad mood, I guess." I said, glaring at Veneer through the mirror. He just sighed and walked out my room.

I finished applying my makeup before getting up and sitting on my bed, staring at my wall as the time clicked by. I heard murmurs from Veneers room, probably him on the phone with Kid Ritz. I was about to brush it off before I heard the familiar sound of Orchids voice. I got up and exited my room, standing right beside Veneers room, careful not to make a sound. "We kissed.. but she said she regretted it and I guess that's it." Orchid had muttered, her voice small. "Orchid if she kissed you then I assure you she probably meant it. She never kissed her last girlfriend!" He explained, his voice raising. "Just go to her and apologize and explain your feelings." He continued, his voice lowering again. "No way! She's a celebrity and I'm just an assistant." Orchid exclaimed, her voice full of fear. "Trust me, just do it." Veneer declared. "Fine.." Orchid murmured. I quickly hurried back to my room, silently closing my door before sitting at my vanity, scrolling on my phone mindlessly.

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