Pt. 10

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                           -Orchids POV-

The feeling of being shaken awake jolted me from the peaceful sleep I was in. I sat up, looking around, confused. "I got Velvet up but we have to get ready! We have to be at the music venue in two hours!" Veneer was saying, his voice barely registering. I groaned as I got up, trying to wipe the sleep from my eyes. Veneer grabbed my wrist and yanked me up from the bed before shoving me towards my bathroom.

He quickly hurried out the room, leaving me to my duties. I got undressed and started the shower, quickly stepping in and washing my hair and body. I began to list all the things I had to do for the concert to do well. "Keep an eye out for what fan they pick.. lights.. sound.. outfits.. mics." I listed off out loud as I finished up, stepping out the shower and doing my daily ritual of drying off, half drying my hair, and then going to get clothes.

I entered my closet and looked around, needing to be partially fancy. I eventually settled on nice black jeans, a tight white t-shirt and a light purple zip up that had a darker purple smiley face on the back. Once I had figured out my outfit I decided to go put on some makeup. I settled on a soft natural look, putting on some purple lipstick and eyeshadow. I dried my hair and decided to braid my hair in two separate braids. Once I was finished I decided to go check up on Velvet. I walked up the stairs and went up to her door, knocking. "It's Orchid." I said.

"Come in!" Velvet quickly answered. I opened the door and entered, closing the door behind me. Velvet was at her vanity, putting on her before show makeup. I walked over to her and stood behind her, putting my hands on her shoulders and kissing the top of her head. "Are you excited?" I asked, smiling and looking at her through the mirror. She looked at me through the mirror, her gaze softening as she looked at me. "Obviously, we always put on great shows!" Velvet exclaimed, her legs bouncing in anticipation. I smiled and gave her a quick hug before going over to her bed and sitting down. "Remember, I'm keeping my eye out for whatever fan you pick. If you go towards a fan and you see me shake my head, do not pick that fan." I explained, my tone turning stern.

Velvet spun in her chair to face me, a playful grin on her face. "Why of course, boss." She teased. I frowned, "This is serious, I don't need you or Veneer getting hurt, especially you." I said, narrowing my eyes to get my point across. Velvet shrugged, "We've done it all the time, don't worry princess." She hummed, finishing her makeup and heading over to her closet as she was still in her towel. "Now, let's see.." I heard her mumble to herself as she went through her closet. I pulled out my phone and began to dial our usual driver.

I explained the details and what time we all needed to be picked up, our driver took it all in, telling me they'd be there at the exact time we needed to be picked up. I thanked them before hanging up, Velvet coming out her closet now dressed. She was in a beige turtle neck and nice black dress pants. I flushed seeing her, immediately at a loss for words. "You're so gorgeous." I finally murmured out, standing up. Velvet smiled at me, walking over and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I think we should match, do you mind changing?" She asked, guiding me to her closet with a hand on the small of my back.

She pulled out a black turtle neck and beige dress pants, the swapped version of her outfit. "Here you go, doll." She hummed, handing me a belt as well. I smiled before getting undressed and slipping the outfit on, tucking the turtle neck in and looping the belt around my waist. Velvet had her sweater untucked, as she was more feminine than I was. She walked over to me once I was done and rested a gentle hand on my cheek, the other on my waist. "Beautiful girl." She said, kissing my forehead. I smiled, the action intimate and gentle. Velvet leaned back before going to her bathroom to finish up her hair. "How should I wear my hair?" I heard Velvet call from the bathroom. I walked into the room, and saw Velvet had dried her hair and was now just wearing it down. "Put it in a high loose bun." I suggested.

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