Pt. 4

654 15 26

-Orchids POV-

I woke up, the sun beaming on my face as I groaned. Checking my phone, it was blown up from messages from Kid Ritz.

Roomy 🖕

Roomy 🖕: Hey when are you getting home.

Roomy 🖕: Hellooo?? You alive??

Roomy 🖕: Girl i'm getting worried

Me: Shit sorry, I stayed the night at Velvet and Veneers place, Velvet told me there were break ins in our neighborhood.

Roomy 🖕: There is? Since when? There's been no news on that. I think she lied to you.

Me: Oh.. Okay. I guess i'll ask her about it.

Turning off my phone I decided to get up and start getting ready for the busy day ahead. I stepped into the shower, letting it relax my muscles. I tried to clear my mind, still cloudy with sleep. "What did we have today..? I know it was a huge event." I murmured to myself while stepping out of the shower. "Oh shit." I groaned, suddenly remembering. A loud pounding sounded at my door. "Hey, Let me in!" I heard Velvet yell, clearly inpatient. "H-Hold on! I'm in a towel!" I yelled back, scrambling to my dresser. "Don't care! Coming in!" She yelled back, opening my door and closing it behind her. "Today's huge. I need to pick out your outfit and make sure you look your absolute best." Velvet was rambling, strolling through the room to sit on my bed.

"Uh-Huh." I said, flushing as I was just standing there in my towel, pjs clutched in my hand. "You know you have to start getting ready like.. now?" Velvet asked, looking me up and down, her eyes surveying me. "I uhm.. did not know that." I responded, my face probably bright red. "Hmm.. go wait in the bathroom. I have the perfect outfit for you!" She exclaimed, walking over to my closet. I just sighed, walking over to the bathroom, drying myself on before putting on my undergarments before slipping a pair of shorts on. Velvet bursted through the door, a chair in one hand with an outfit in the other. She set the chair down and pushed me into it by my shoulders. She swooped around to be in front of me and she faltered. Her gaze lingered, not expecting me to be in a bra and shorts.

She cleared her throat. "Try this on. I think it suits you well." She demanded, handing me the shirt and pants. I sighed, standing up and slipping the pants and shirt on. I buttoned up the shirt before zipping up the pants up. "Hmm.. I think you need a throw over." Velvet said, eyeing me up and down. My shirt was a nice beige color with blue jeans. Velvet walked out, probably with an idea in mind. I began to dry my hair off with a towel, waiting patiently. Velvet came back in with a black zip up. I put it on, looking at Velvet and waiting for her approval. "Hm... Looks good on you." She declared, making me sit down again. "Let's put your hair up in a loose bun, I think it'll look good." She continued, grabbing a hair dryer and quickly drying my hair.

I looked at her face, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. She really was gorgeous, I can see why fans went crazy for her. Once she was done with my hair she moved to stand in front of me, inspecting her work. She moved forward and pulled a few strands out, messing with my hair a little bit more before standing back again. "Perfect, you'll look stunning." She said, smiling real wide. I smiled back, my hands intertwined with each other. "Hmm.. now we'll just do the same makeup as yesterday, it looked really good." She continued, going out of the bathroom and rushing around the apartment to get the things. I began humming to myself as I waited for Velvet to return. I realized now would probably be a good time to ask about why she had told me there was break ins in my neighborhood.

Velvet rushed back into the bathroom, all the things she needed in her hands. She grabbed my chin and tilted my head up, applying the same routine she had yesterday. "Uh.. Ma'am? Could I ask a question?" I murmured. "Hm? Oh yes, go ahead." Velvet responded, her mind focused on my make-up. "Why did you tell me there were break ins in my neighborhood? My roommate told me that there had been no news or reports about that." I asked, nervous. Velvets hand faltered, clearly not expecting me to have questioned her or have had a roommate. "U-Uhm.. I guess I.. I wanted you to stay the night because of today!" Velvet lied. I just shrugged, believing her. "Yknow you could've just told me that, I would've stayed." I said, chuckling a little bit. "I know, I just, I'm not good with that kind of thing." Velvet muttered, continuing with my makeup. I just hummed in response, letting my boss do her thing.

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