Pt. 12

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-Orchids POV-

After driving for about an hour, I finally arrived at the address of the car. I slowed down and parked a street down, careful not to seem suspicious. Shutting off my car, I studied the house. It was worn down and basically falling apart, a pathetic house. I got out and began to silently walk to the house, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. No noise came from the house, just the sound of wind and birds. I went up to the front door and peeked in to see if anyone was inside or if there was proof if anyone had even ever lived here. I saw a single light on, near the back of the house. I attempted to open the front door, but to no avail, it didn't open. "Tsk." I hummed before walking around to the back of the house.

I approached a window and with little sound, I was able to push it open. I took a deep breath before climbing into the house, careful on where to step. I glanced around, my ears listening for any sign of movement. I began to walk around the house, keeping my hand on the knife situated in my belt. I let out a shaky breath as I approached stairs that led down into a basement. I began to descend the stairs, slight creaking echoing from them. It got darker the further I went down. I should've brought a flashlight. I thought to myself, reaching a hand out as I continued to go down the stairs.

Eventually, I reached a door, pushing it open. Fumbling around, I found a lightswitch, flicking it and illuminating the new room. I blinked rapidly, my eyes adjusting to the sudden light as I took in the room. It had ropes and weapons all around the room, blood splattered occasionally. My neck hairs stood on end, suddenly feeling sick. Just as I was about to walk further into the room, sudden, quick footsteps made me spin. I was tackled to the ground, someone hitting my chest and attempting to pin me. I struggled, getting a hand on my knife before swinging and nicking my attackers arm. They gasped before punching me in the face, knocking me out cold.




I jolted awake, my breathing quickening as I looked around to find the source of the sound. My attacker was above a bucket, their arm trickling blood. "You asshole." They suddenly spoke, turning to glare at me. Just then I realized who it was. "You're the fan I had to tackle, you physco!" I exclaimed. They laughed, beginning to walk over. Their face suddenly fell before they struck me across my face. I winced in pain, my face already bruised and bleeding from the punch. "It's your fault, I just wanted to greet Velvet but you had to be all high and mighty." They spat, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look up. "It's called doing my job." I grumbled out, my voice strained from their grip and the pain.

"It's called doing my job!" They mocked. "You're only doing it because you and Velvet have something going on. I've seen you two when you've been alone together. A boss and assistant shouldn't be that close and touchy." The fan said. "How the fuck have you seen us?" I spat, attempting to push them but my arms and legs had been restrained. "I love Velvet, do you think I don't stalk her? Drones exist." They laughed, enjoying the power they had over me. "I don't even know who you are, why are you so obsessed?" I asked. "Velvet hasn't talked about me? I guess she really doesn't care about anyone then. I'm Lexi, her childhood best friend." The fan, Lexi, explained.

"Well of course she did! If you're from her childhood I doubt she remembers you after she got famous." I said. Lexi scowled, letting go of my face and stalking off. "It's a shame you were so lenient, because now your poor little girlfriend is sick." She said, smirking. "If you really do, love her, so you say, you wouldn't have poisoned her." I grumbled, partly below my breath. Lexi heard and she snapped her head around, glaring at me. "I don't care about her that much. I just want you and Veneer to pay. Veneer didn't even attempt to reach out either. And you, you're somehow the girl Velvet decided to like after so many years of ignoring people for fame." Lexi rambled, her hands turning to fist. "Maybe because i'm
not a fucking lunatic!" I exclaimed. Lexi laughed, turning and walking towards me with something in her hand.

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