Pt. 11

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                             -Orchids POV-

It's been 4 weeks since Velvet had fallen into her coma. I had sprinted in the moment the news had reached me that Velvet had fallen into a coma. The nurses sent me and Veneer home and we've been in home for all 4 weeks, worried sick about Velvet. The doctors had to examine the needle that had positioned Velfet and gotten her sick, me and Veneer were waiting for those results now. I was laying in my bed, mindlessly scrolling through all the photos me and Velvet had taken throughout the time I had been working with her. I frowned, an ache in my heart. I was terrified she wouldn't wake up and it was keeping me up at night.

I turned over and over before my phone began to ring, the call being from the hospital. "Veneer! It's the hospital!" I screamed from my room before picking up. "Hello?" I asked. "Is this Orchid?" The doctor asked. "Yes it is, is this news for Velvet?" I asked, looking up as my door swung open to reveal Veneer. I put a finger up to my lips to show him to be quiet. He came over and sat down next to me, leaning in to hear the doctor. "Yes, it is. She's still asleep but we found out what the posion is." The doctor explained. "It's a posion native to Mount Rageon. Luthucal. It can cause the infected to get terribly sick before falling into a coma... Luthucal has a high death rate." They finished.

My breathing picked up in fear as I turned to glance at Veneer in fear. His eyes were watery as he offered a weak, comforting smile. "We're only allowing one visitor today, have a good day." The doctor said, before hanging up. "You go visit Velvet, I'm going to go do some scouting." I said, standing up and walking towards my bathroom to get ready for the day. Veneer didn't argue and just got up and left to get ready, his face conflicted. I quickly showered, stepping out and half drying my hair before walking to my closet. I grabbed one of Velvets hoodies she had given me and a pair of leggings. I got changed before putting on my makeup and drying my hair, putting it up in a loose ponytail, pulling out strands.

I let out a deep breath before grabbing my keys and phone and leaving Velvet and Veneers apartment, heading to the parking garage. I pulled up the venue and began to drive there, deciding to ask the workers if they had security footage. I let out deep breaths, stressed out of my mind for Velvet and worried if she'll come out of her coma. Soon enough, I arrived at the venue and parked my car. I entered the venue and found the same director that was working the show that night. "Hello, I'm Orchid. Velvet and Veneers assistant and bodyguard. I'm here to ask if you have any security footage of their performance four weeks ago. Velvet became really sick and the doctors are sure it's because of a fan." I explained.

The director hummed, pondering. "I think we do, but how do I know you're really their assistant and bodyguard?" He asked. I let out an annoyed sigh before pulling out my ID the twins had given me for this exact situation. The dude grabbed the ID and studied it before relenting, gesturing for me to follow him. "We only have footage on the stage and the exit of the venue." He explained. "I'm Rob, by the way." He said, reaching out and shaking my hand. "Thank you, Rob. I appreciate this." I replied, giving a small smile. He grunted before leaving me to my work. I settled down and began to play the tape, finding the fan instantly, their bright blue hair hard to miss. I watched as Velvet reached out and brought them up, the dancing starting.

I watched carefully to see if the fan had poked her during the dancing. It concluded and just as I was about to give up hope, I saw the fan reach into their pocket subtly before grabbing and lingering on Velvets wrist. I immediately stalked the fan, watching where they left. I switched the cameras and caught a glimpse of them getting into a car. I zoomed in and wrote down the license plate before rewinding and taking a video of the tape for evidence. I left the room and thanked Rob before leaving the venue. Now beginning to head to the hospital to get Veneer and then heading to the police station. I tapped my finger on the wheel of my car the entire way there, thoughts swarming around my head. I eventually pulled into the hospital and parked, rushing in. I told the nurse who I was before I was allowed up. Once I was allowed I rushed to the elevator and rode it up to Velvets floor.

I let out a sigh of relief, glad the nurse was allowing me in but just for today. I got out of the elevator and speed walked to Velvets room before slowing down and knocking quietly. "Come in." I heard Veneer call. Gently pushing open the door, I saw Veneer sitting beside Velvets bad, his face sad. I frowned upon seeing the twins, walking over and taking a seat on the opposite side of Velvets bed. I took Velvets hand and kissed it before gazing at her face. She was pale, almost dead looking as her chest rose and fell in a slow, steady pace. I held back the tears, terrified of losing her. Veneer, oblivious to the hand kiss was staring down, crestfallen. "I have news on the fan we think poisoned Velvet." I spoke up. Veneer immediately looked up, hope in his eyes.

"It was the fan I had to tackle before the show, I guess they got mad and wanted revenge." I explained. Veneer hummed, "Do you know where to find them?" He asked. I nodded slightly, "I have their license plate, I'm going to see if the police can help me find the car and locate where they are." I said. "Let's go then, we need to get them for what they did to Vels." Veneer said, getting up and reluctantly leaving Velvets side, waiting for me at the door. I got up and followed close behind as we left, leaving the hospital quickly. I pulled out the video and handed it to Veneer for him to watch once we got into my car. I began driving to the police station, small hope in my chest.

We soon arrived, me and Veneer walking in with the tape ready. We found a cop and were lead into a room. I pulled out the tape and showed them, their gaze thoughtful. "I'll see what we can do. For now don't get involved, it could be dangerous." The cop said, dismissing us. I held back my anger until we left the station, my emotions fuming. "I'm getting involved, they're not going to do anything." I spat out once me and Veneer were back in my car. I pulled out and drove back to the penthouse, Veneer silent in his side of the car. I calmed down, realizing something was wrong with Veneer. "What's wrong?" I asked, turning to look at him.

"I'm worried about Velvet. I didn't want to tell you since you're already so stressed. She's getting worse the doctors told me, they don't know if she's going to make it." He muttered out, fidgeting with his hands. I clutched the steering wheel, my body beginning to shake as I pulled into the parking garage. I held back the tears, determined to be strong for Velvet and Veneer. "She's strong, she'll push through, Ven." I reassured him, resting a hand on his shoulder. "I hope so." He sighed out, getting out the car and heading to the penthouse. I shut the car off and sat for a couple of minutes, my world spinning. "I can't lose her. She doesn't deserve it and neither does Veneer and I love her." I said to myself, wiping the tears that were now falling down my face.

I eventually got out, heading to the penthouse to do some work. I made it up to the apartment finally, walking in to see all the lights off, showing Veneer went straight to his room for the rest of the night. I sighed and walked to my room, closing the door behind me as I got undressed and into pajamas. I slipped on some black shorts and Velvets favorite pink hoodie. Pulling out the tape on my phone, I walked to my desk and took a seat. I booted up my laptop and pulled out information for Velvet and Veneers schedules. I rescheduled everything before taking a deep breath and pulling up a forbidden site to find people. I typed in the license plate and pulled it up, seeing the exact car.

Without a sound I got into my cargo pants, grabbing my body guard vest and putting it on over one of my black hoodies. I stuffed pillows into my pajamas before putting it in my bed and pulling a blanket to give the impression I was in bed. I went to my drawer that held all my weapons and grabbed my handcuffs, taser, and knife. I exited my room and silently left the house, locking the door behind me as I went back to my car. I reached my car and started it, pulling out and putting in the address the car was at. I quickly sped off, determined to find the fan and at least get them if.. Velvet didn't make it.

Velvet will make it, she can't leave.


This chapter is super late but I got busy and i've been in the car for 6 hours so I finished it during that lol

It's a bit shorter but next chapter will be long as it's the turning point for all of this. I can't wait for you guys to read it!

I hope you guys liked the chapter 🫶

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