Pt. 3

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                           -Velvets POV-

I woke up, groaning as the sunlight filtered through my window and hit my eyelids. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I slowly sat up and looked around. "I wonder what time it is.." I asked myself, grabbing my phone off the night stand and checking the time. My phone read 9:30, proving I had slept in a little bit. Listening closely, I heard shushed voices from downstairs. More than likely Orchid and Veneer. I got up and brushed out my hair before beginning to walk downstairs.

Entering the kitchen I was shocked. Orchid and Veneer were coated with dough. "What..the..fuck." I said, pointing at the two of them. "Oh hi sis!" Veneer said in between wheezing gasps. Orchids eyes widened, clearly not expecting to be caught. "Hi, Ma'am.." She said, awkwardly putting down the bowl of dough she had been holding. I sighed, rubbing my temples. "Veneer, clean this up. Orchid, we need to talk in your office." I snapped, turning away swiftly before stalking off to Orchids office. "Good luck.." I heard veneer whisper to Orchid before I heard her footsteps come shuffling closer to me.

I leaned against her desk, legs crossing over each other as I dug daggers into Orchid. A mix of anger and annoyance made up my aura. "Sit." I demanded, pointing at the chair next to me that was pushed in to the desk. Orchid walked over, clearly a little nervous and scared. "So, what made you think that trashing my kitchen with dough was a good idea." I demanded, eyeing her down. "I.. uh.. I don't know. I was just joking around with your brother and I guess it got out of hand." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. I swirled towards her, leaning over her as I put my hands beside her shoulders as my hands gripped the chair. I leaned down near her face and held back the urge to yell. "I don't want to come downstairs and see my kitchen that fucking dirty ever again. You got that?" I snarled, watching her shrivel underneath my gaze. "Y-Yes Ma'am." She said, her eyes wandering as she noted our position. I was still towering over her, my face dangerously close to hers. Letting go of the chair and leaning back I scoffed.

"Go help Veneer clean up. I expect a clean kitchen and breakfast in 30 minutes." I demanded, waving Orchid off. She just nodded, weakly standing up before leaving her office. I let out a breath, my face flushing as I thought about how close I was to her face. Snap out of it Velvet. It was a lecture, nothing else. I thought to myself before exiting the office and heading up to my room to put some makeup on. I sat down at my vanity and began to apply my usual daily makeup. I noticed I was shaky, the interaction with Orchid lingering in my head. I scoffed to myself, quickly finishing my makeup. A soft knock sounded at my door. "Come in." I half yelled, turning around in my chair. My brother opened the door and came walking in, a smug look on his face. "Poor Orchid is so flustered right now. She told me you pinned her to her chair." Veneer said, crossing his arms as he sat down on my bed. "Yeah. So she would listen, it was nothing more." I scoffed, crossing my arms as well. "Mhm.. sure. Just admit it Velvet, you're flustered too." Veneer continued, raising an eyebrow. "Absolutely not. She is our body guard and assistant, I will not go anywhere beyond professionalism." I said, a stern tone in my voice.

Veneer just shrugged before beginning to exit my room. "Breakfast is ready, Orchid is making some calls in her office to rearrange our rides for the dress rehearsal we have today." He explained before leaving my room, closing the door behind him. A quick feeling of pride flashed through me as I noted Orchid was on top of her job. I got up and left my room as well, the feeling of hunger gnawing at my stomach. Veneer was devouring his breakfast once I arrived. "Hm, pancakes." I hummed, taking a seat before taking a bite. I raised my eyebrows before starting to quickly eat mine as well.

Once me and Veneer were done he got our plates and left them in the sink for Orchid. I got up and decided to go check how Orchid was doing with our preparations. I knocked lightly on her door, waiting for a response. "Come in!" I heard her say, her tone seeming distracted. I opened the door and walked over to her. "Any issues?" I asked. Orchid jumped, clearly not expecting it to be me. "Oh, hello Ma'am." She murmured. "No, your ride will be arriving an hour from now." She answered me, turning to look at me. "Great, now let's go get you ready. I doubt you know how to clean up.. well." I said, grabbing her by the arm and lifting her up. Orchid just nodded, beginning to follow me out of her office.

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