Pt. 6

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-Orchids POV-

I groaned, opening my eyes as my head throbbed in pain. I looked around, trying to remember where I was and what had happened last night. Oh yeah.. I got drunk. I thought to myself. I attempted to sit up but was stopped by the weight of someone's head on my chest. Looking down I panicked, my heart skipping a beat. Velvet was cuddling me, her head was on my chest while one of her arms was around my waist, one of her legs resting atop of mine. I looked around wondering what to do before attempting to escape her grasp. I felt her shift before she groaned, clutching onto me tighter. "Stay.. you're warm.." I heard her murmur, burying her face deeper into my chest. I let out a sigh before lying back down, letting her snuggle into me. "You're very warm Orchid.." She muttered.

I eventually calmed back down, my body slowly relaxing as I began slowly falling back asleep, the feeling of Velvet holding me and gently breathing lulling me to sleep. Loud banging suddenly sounded through Velvets room, jolting us both awake as Veneer came barging in. "Wake up lovebirds! We have shopping to do!" He yelled, storming over to us. Velvet looked at me and hers position before quickly sitting up, clearly out of her sleepy daze. "Fine, we'll start getting... um.. ready." She groaned, hoisting herself up before heading to her bathroom. "Very professional." Veneer teased, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I flipped him off with a smile before exiting Velvets room and going to the guest room to also get ready. I heard Veneer head into his own room to finish up.

I rummaged through the closet that somehow always had new clothes each day. I eventually decided on some blue baggy ripped jeans, a white tank top and a grey zip up. I quickly got changed before heading to the bathroom to splash my face before doing my makeup and attempting to wake myself up more and ease the hangover. I finished up before heading to the vanity in the room before pulling out some makeup products Velvet had left me. I quickly applied it, making it look presentable but not flashy as we were just going shopping. I decided to let Velvet do the lipstick as that was her favorite thing to do. I left the room, deciding the twins and I could use some breakfast.

I threw some sausage on a pan, listening to the calming sizzle while I fired up the stove to make some eggs. I heard the familiar thumping around as the twins got ready, probably struggling to even walk straight. I got lost in thought about Velvet, my face heating up. The party last night and the entire day had been a wild ride. I remember when I came in while she was in a towel and I wanted to do so many things but I had to keep professional. When she had grabbed my face to make me look I almost fainted, shocked she was being so bold. I let out a sigh and shuddered as I thought about all of her touches, her grabbing my waist and hips to protect me, and how she was, from what I thought, jealous.

I finished up breakfast before setting all our plates up and pouring some water, also setting that. The twins eventually came down, thanking me for the meal and water before scarfing it all down. "I'm so glad it's just shopping.. we don't have to be so professional." Veneer commented, already halfway done with his plate. "We'd be fucked if it was an interview or a dress rehearsal." Velvet agreed, she was done with her plate and was now downing her water. "I hope you're ready to carry a lot of bags, sweetie." Velvet continued speaking, handing me her plate and cup. I flushed at the nickname before bringing her dishes to the kitchen, quickly doing them. Veneer finished and stood up, bringing me his dishes and he thanked me with a quick, small hug before going to the living room.

"They got the limousine back up and running so we'll be taking that to the mall, It should be arriving here in about ten minutes. We need to be back home by at least 11pm tonight." I explained, drying off my hands before meeting the twins in the living room. They both just hummed and nodded, both of them scrolling on their phones. I pulled my phone out as well and mindlessly scrolled before I got a message notification from Velvet. We only had two previous messages, just saying it was us. I had changed her contact name since then.

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