Pt. 13

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-Velvets POV-

I woke up to the gentle snore of Orchid, her arms holding me close to her as her face was nestled in my hair. I smiled contently as I buried my face into the crook of her neck, kissing it gently before closing my eyes again, running my hand up and down her back. I felt Orchid shift, a groan coming from her as she slowly pulled her face away. "Good morning, love." I whispered, pulling my face away from her neck and smiling up at her.

Her gaze immediately went soft, her body relaxing as she saw and heard me. "Good morning, Honey." She said, kissing my forehead as she sat up, helping me sit up. "I can't believe you're here, I was so so worried I would never feel your touch or hear you again." Orchid said softly, climbing on top of me, laying between my body with her arms around my waist and her head on my chest. "I'm here, I could never leave you." I reassured her, playing with her hair.

"I'll never leave you." Orchid hummed. She looked up at me and we just stared at each other. I felt words get stuck in my throat, three words I've been dying to say. I smiled gently as Orchid studied my face, her gaze roaming over it as she re-took in all my features. I gently ran my fingers over her bruised and cut face, kissing each cut and bruise gently before leaning back again. "Thank you for going after her, I'm so glad you weren't hurt, or worse, killed." I said, gratitude surging through my heart. "I'll do anything for you, even if it means getting hurt." Orchid said, resting her hand on my cheek. I gulped, trying to build up the nerve to speak.

"I love you." I said softly, keeping eye contact with Orchid as she flushed red, her eyes widening in surprise. A huge smile quickly spread on her face. "I love you, Vels." She said, leaning up and kissing me. I smiled and shut my eyes, kissing her back. We had never said I love you until now, and it felt so good to. We eventually pulled back, putting our foreheads together as we just lay together, finding safety and peace in each others arms. "We should probably get up and going, I have breakfast to make." Orchid said. "Wait, before you go. I.. I decided I want to tell everyone we're a thing. We'll tell Veneer during breakfast and later today, I'm going to tell everyone." I said, searching Orchids face for any bad emotion.

Her face immediately lit up, "I've been hoping you got comfortable enough for that, I can't wait to flex on everybody you're mine. I'll be by your side through any hate we get, if we get any." She said, kissing me gently. I kissed her back before pulling back, helping her get off of me and I got up as well, both of us heading to the bathroom.

I ran the shower while I got undressed, stepping in once it was warm enough. Orchid stepped in as well shortly after, wrapping her arms around my waist and she leaned against me. I shuddered at the feeling of her bare skin against me. Her hand started to dip low, brushing against my navel as I let out a breathy gasp. I felt Orchid smirk as she kissed my lower neck and shoulder, her hands roaming my body slowly, teasing me. "I missed you so much.." Orchid murmured, her hands finally resting on my hips. I smiled, Orchids grip on my hips tightening as she turned me around and pushed me against the wall, the water from the shower cascading off of her back. She trailed gentle kisses along my jaw line, slowly lowering herself as she started to bite and suck on my skin.

I let out a whimper, each gentle flick of Orchids tongue on my neck causing me to shift, need pouring off of me. Orchid slotted her knee in between my legs, pressing against my core. I let out a small moan as I began to grind against her, letting out gasps as her hand trailed down to grasp at my hips, encouraging me to keep moving. I began to move quicker and quicker, the familiar knot in my lower stomach forming. Just as I was about to finish Orchid pulled away, smirking. "We need to finish showering, I know you missed it." She teased, turning us back towards the water as she got some shampoo and gently put it in my hair. After we had both bathed ourselves, we stepped out and went towards my closet in our towels.

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