Pt. 5

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-Velvets POV-

I groaned, shifting in my bed as I pulled the covers over my eyes as the sun began shining in. I was dreading the party that was to be held, it would involve having to talk to everybody. I was slowly drifting back to sleep before a soft knock sounded at my door. "Come in.." I groaned, dreading if it was her brother who is always way to happy in the mornings. "Good morning, Ma'am." Orchids voice rang across my room. I stopped a relieved smile from forming on my face as I sat up, fixing a sleepy gaze on her. "Morning, what time is it?" I asked. "9am, Veneer and you need to eat breakfast before getting ready for the party. It starts at 2pm." Orchid answered, explaining the plan for tonight. "I'll be down in a second.. I'm exhausted." I mumbled, shoving my face in my pillow.

I heard Orchid pull my covers off my body, exposing me to the freezing air of my room. "Noo.." I groaned, finally sitting up. "Come on Ma'am. It's going to be a very busy day and I uhm.. need help getting ready again." Orchid chuckled, offering me a hand. I took her hand as she helped me stand up, placing a hand on my lower back to stabilize me while I situated myself. "Thanks.." I muttered, walking to my bathroom, yawning. "I'll be downstairs in the kitchen, come down soon." Orchid yelled to me, hearing her leave my room and closing the door behind her. I splashed my face with cold water before getting into my day clothes.

I left my room, beginning to head downstairs, eager to know what was for breakfast. I sat down in my seat, Veneer slumped in his chair across from me. "How come the both of you are exhausted?" Orchid asked, raising an eyebrow as she brought us our plates. "We don't like the process of getting ready for party's, it's soo draining." Veneer grumbled, lifting his head as he met Orchids gaze. "Hm." Orchid hummed, going back to the kitchen to clean up. I looked at my plate to see waffles and a hash brown. I smiled, instantly digging in and devouring the breakfast. Veneer was doing the same as usual. I thanked Orchid before getting up to go to my room to shower and begin getting ready.

I begun to shower, thoroughly washing my hair so I looked my absolute best for the party. I hopped out the shower, shivering as the bathrooms cold air hit my body. I groaned as a loud pounding sounded at my bathroom door. "Who is it?" I asked, wrapping my towel around myself tightly. "It's Orchid Ma'am." I heard her respond, a hinge of fear in her voice. "Okay, come in." I said, turning to face the door, an idea in mind. Orchid pushed the door open, closing it behind her before turning to look at me. She faltered, her eyes widening as she blushed. "Oh.. do I need to leave?" She asked, her eyes trailing my body. "Mm.. no you're okay." I hummed, turning around with an extra sway of my hips.

Orchid cleared her throat before leaning against the closed door, her eyes looking everywhere but me. "I just wanted to tell you some.. bad news." She said, deciding to settle her eyes on her feet. "What is it?" I asked, turning to gaze at her as I had been busy brushing my hair out. "The limousine broke down so we have to take a cab." Orchid declared, waiting for my reaction. I strolled over, looming over her. "So, I got us a-" I grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at me. "Look at me when you're talking to me." I demanded, my eyes boring into hers. I heard her breath hitch, her eyes straying over my body before looking back at me. "Yes M-Ma'am." She murmured. I ran a finger down her jawline, lingering at the tip of her chin before backing up and walking back to the sink. "As I was saying, I got us a cab. It's not the best but it's better than walking." Orchid said, her eyes staying locked on me. "Good job." I said, smirking.

I turned my back to her, slipping my towel to rest on my hips as I grabbed my bra. I heard her breath hitch again before it got heavier. I slipped the bra on before turning my head to catch her eyes. "A little help with the hook?" I asked, smiling innocently. "O-Of course." Orchid said. She walked over and grabbed the two ends, her hand briefly grazing my back as I tried to control my breathing. She hooked the bra before stepping back, her face bright red. "Thanks!" I exclaimed, turning around. "Do you want me to go figure out what to wear?" Orchid asked, her voice wavering. "Hmm.. sure. I trust you've figured out what kind of stuff looks good." I answered, hoping she did. Orchid nodded before leaving the bathroom.

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