Pt. 9

482 8 69

-Velvets POV-

I woke up, warm and secure as I dreaded having to get up and get going today. If I had the choice, I would stay in Orchids arms in bed all day. I let out a content hum as I felt Orchid stir and gently squeeze me closer to her, planting a drowsy kiss on my head. "Good Morning, Orchid." I said, smiling. "Good Morning, Vels." I heard her hum from above. She gently unwrapped her arms from around me and shifted to where she was sitting up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. I did the same, eventually sitting up in protest, not wanting to do anything today.

"Hey, I have some exciting news though." Orchid said, attempting to get me in a better mood. "Me, you, Kid Ritz and Veneer are all hanging out!" She exclaimed, smiling wildly. I brightened up, that did make me feel a little better. "Where and what time?" I asked, smiling as Orchid quickly pulled out her phone to text Ritz to get those details. I got up and walked to the bathroom, beginning to run the shower. I got undressed and stepped in the shower, hearing Orchid now on the phone with Ritz. I began washing myself, just thinking over me and Orchid. The realization hit me like a brick. We haven't even made it official if we're dating. I thought. I instantly began to worry, feeling like I was using Orchid.

I didn't want the public to know, not at all. Orchid would get so much hate and attention and she hates attention. I tried to shake it off with the warm water, debating on how to go about it and somehow date Orchid while worrying about fame and if she even wants to officially date. I stepped out, quickly air drying my hair before Orchid walked in, only in her underwear. "Mind if I use your shower?" Orchid asked, smiling innocently. "O-Of course!" I stammered out, my eyes trailing Orchids body. She thanked me before stripping completely and getting into my shower.

I let out a shaky breath before walking out to get changed and do my makeup before finishing up my hair. I decided on a light blue turtleneck and dark blue ripped jeans. I walked over to my vanity and applied my going out makeup, as I'm sure we'd be going out in public somewhere. I listened to the soft hum of the shower water, the faint echo of Orchids music playing. I hummed along, applying all the makeup. I finished up, Orchid getting done showering at the same time. I re-entered the bathroom, pulling out my hairdryer. "I'll be back up in a second, gotta get some clothes." Orchid explained, running her hand over my jaw.

"Of course." I hummed, winking at Orchid. She faltered before smirking, exiting the bathroom and then my room. I quickly dried my hair before deciding to wear it down, as I hadn't worn it down in a while. I decided to wait on my bed, texting Veneer.


Me: What time do we plan to leave and get Kid Ritz?

Bro: Probably here in about an hour and a half if that's a good time.

Me: Perfect, Orchid should be ready by then. I'll drive and Orchid will be up front with me.

Bro: Okay, Okay lol. How come you haven't asked Orchid out?

Me: ... See you later

I put my phone away, scowling at myself as I stared at the wall, waiting for Orchid. She eventually came back, dressed in a nice cropped tight black shirt and grey jeans. I felt myself blush at the sight of her. "Do you have any zip-up's I could borrow?" She asked, smiling at me. I smiled and nodded, grabbing her hand to lead her to my closet. "Over there." I instructed, leaning against the wall as I waited. Orchid quickly went through them, eventually settling on a light pink zip up, complimenting her eyes and hair. "You look cute." I commented. She flushed, looking me up and down quickly. "You look stunning." She said, giving me a bashful smile.

I smirked before strolling over to her and grasping her hips, something I found she enjoys a little too much. I felt her hold back a whimper, biting her lip. I began massaging her hips, leaning down to trail gentle kisses down her neck, nipping here and there. "V-Vels.." She whined out. I smirked before pushing her back against a wall, slotting my thigh between her legs. I felt her begin to move her hips, silently begging. I pulled back, grabbing her hand. "We should probably meet Veneer downstairs." I said innocently, Orchid still breathing heavy and staring at me with ravenous eyes. "Mhm." She hummed, walking over and rubbing her hand on my inner thigh, trailing up before walking out.

The Bodyguards Chance (Velchid)Where stories live. Discover now