❤️Valetines Special❤️

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-Velvets POV-

Today was valentines, and I planned to surprise Orchid with gifts because she told me she adores valentines. Right now, I was out with Veneer, he wanted to do something for Kid Ritz. "What do you plan to get Orchid?" Veneer asked me, looking over to me from the passenger side. I shrugged, deep in thought. "Probably some flowers, chocolates and gifts. Yknow, the usual." I answered, already on a train of thought on what Orchid would like. Me and Veneer decided to go to a special store that only opened during valentines, since most stores had those cheap sections.

I pulled up and parked, shutting off the car and locking it once me and Veneer got out. We walked to the store, smiling as we split up to get the gifts. I immediately went to the section that contained flowers. Orchid had told me last night that she adored orchids, How cute, her favorite flowers are her name I thought, keeping a keen eye out for some orchids. I saw some and walked over, examining them. The bouquet contained some pink, purple and plain white orchids, perfect for Orchid. I picked them up, smiling as I headed to the chocolate section.

As I was walking, I bumped into someone. I spun around before seeing Veneer, his face flushed. "Velvet! Thank god! Please have Orchid ask Ritz what his favorite flowers are!" He practically begged, chocolates in his hand. I snickered before pulling out my phone to text my girlfriend.


Me: Hey what are Kid Ritz favorite flowers? Veneer is just wondering.

Orch💕: I think dandelions? Either those or Dahlias.

Me: Thanks Orch! See you later💋

Orch💕: Of course! See you soon💋

I smiled as I put my phone away before getting grabbed by the shoulders, almost falling from the force. "So!?" Veneer exclaimed. "Jesus, he liked Dandelions or Dahlias." I said, peeling Veneers hands off my shoulders. He gave me a quick hug before speed walking to the flower section. I sighed and shook my head before looking at the choices, debating on what Orchid would like. A box caught my eye. It was a nice light pink with a purple ribbon. I grabbed it and flipped it over, examining the chocolates. They were fancy chocolates, ones I would never eat but they screamed Orchid. "Perfect!" I exclaimed, putting them in my basket next to the flowers.

"Now some gifts.." I muttered, walking further into the store, looking for the plushie aisle. Soon enough, I found it and entered, looking for some plushies. Orchids favorite animals were all kinds of big cats. I saw a lion, leopard, jaguar and a cougar. I put all four into the basket, smiling. Each plushie was holding a small heart or a card that could be written in. Right as I was about to leave the aisle, a huge plushie caught my eye. It was a pink lion holding a huge red heart. I hesitated, wondering if that was going overboard but I decided to get it, hoping Orchid would love it.

I texted Veneer, telling him I was ready to meet up and pay. He shot a quick text back saying he'd be there soon. I waited, going over everything I got and smiled, proud of myself. Veneer soon arrived, smiling as he had his basket full of items. I payed and we hurried to the car, putting everything in the back neatly before shutting it and getting into the car. I pulled out of the parking spot and began to drive back home. "What'd you get Ritz?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the road. "I got him two bouquets, one of dandelions and dahlias. I got him some simple chocolate, he's like a child when it comes to food and sweets." Veneer giggled before continuing. "Lastly, I got him a huge stuffed monkey! He loves monkeys thanks to my awesome pet monkey." Veneer said, making a fake deep voice with the last sentence.

I laughed before Veneer turned his attention to me. "What'd you get Orchid?" He asked, smiling. "I got her some orchids, ironic I know, her favorite flowers are her name." I chuckled. "I got her some fancy looking chocolates, I'm the picky eater in our relationship." I said. "Wow we switched!" Veneer exclaimed, laughing. I laughed along before continuing. "Lastly, I got her some little plushies of big cats and a huge plushie of a pink lion holding a big red heart. I think she's going to love everything." I finished, blushing at the thought of her reaction.

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