Pt. 2

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-Orchids POV-

I was leaned back in the chair in front of my desk, scrolling mindlessly through Velvets instagram. She had recently made a post, it was her in a suit and she looked absolutely stunning. I wonder if there's a way I could get closer with her? I thought, picking at my newly done nails. A notification pinged, the text appearing at the top of my phone. It read: "Breaking News: Superstars Velvet and Veneer fire their security guard! The duo is looking for a new security guard." I clicked on it, an application now appearing on my screen.

Quickly filling out the application, I saw my review time and had to start getting ready. I took a quick shower, deciding to wear my hair down. I put on a nice hoodie and some dress pants before putting on mascara, eyeliner, some concealer and blush. My phone pinged, telling me my interview was in an hour. "Omg I'm so nervous..!" I said out loud, trying to calm myself down. I grabbed my car keys and made sure to lock my door behind me as I descended down the steps of the two story apartment.

My phone pinged as a message appeared on my screen.

*Veneer 💋*

Veneer💋: So you're coming in to interview?

A instagram message from the Veneer?

Me: Yes, I'm on my way now.

Veneer💋: Sweet. Also I stalked your instagram and figured out your the fan Velvet waved to. Good luck at the interview!!

Me: Thank you Veneer.

I began to drive to the interview building, my mind racing. The Veneer messaging me? It made me a little more confident for the interview. Since I was engulfed in my thoughts, I hadn't realized I had arrived. Taking a deep breath, I turned off my car and got out and locked it before starting to walk to the building. I entered the building, looking around confused. Now where? I asked myself. "Uhm, hello!" A high-pitched voice said.

I looked around before feeling a small tap on my ankle. "Oh! Hello!" I said, crouching down on my heels to greet the.. mop? "I'm Crimp! Velvet's assistant. I'll be leading you to the interview." She explained, patting my knee that was now level with her. I smiled, standing back up before following Crimp. As we walked down the hall she explained how the interview would work. I would introduce myself and explain how I think I would be a good choice of hire. I gulped, my hands sweaty as we were at the door.

"Good luck!" Crimp said quietly before pushing the door open and leading me to the chair. Velvet and Veneer were at the desk in front of the chair, both locking their gaze on me without looking away as I made my way to sit down. "So. What can you contribute to help us, hm?" Velvet asked, her demeanor cold and stern. "Er, I guess I would say I'm pretty strong for a girl?" I said, offering a small smile. Velvet didn't even bother to try and smile back, she just scoffed. Veneer on the other hand was giggling before he sat up and leaned on the desk. "Prove it!" He laughed, putting his hand out as an invitation to do an arm wrestle. I let out an awkward and nervous chucked, grasping his hand while he began the countdown. "3..2..1!" He exclaimed. I began to push on his arm, he grunted as he put up a struggle, but in the end I was victorious.

Veneer chuckled and gave a thumbs up before leaning back in his chair. "Fine, whatever. You're hired. You're the best looking person that's came in anyways and you actually have.. some humor." Velvet said, looking me up and down before nodding. I blushed, making a mental note on the fact she said I wasn't the ugliest they had seen. I got up to shake their hands but Veneer gave me a small hug. Velvet otherwise, just glared. "Velvet will show you around." Veneer said, nudging his sister in almost a teasing way. Velvet just rolled her eyes before getting up and beckoning for me to follow her. I stood up and gave Veneer a thankful smile before following the surprisingly tall women. She beckoned to things as we passed them. "That's your work office, it's connected to a bathroom and a spare bedroom if you ever work late and can't get home safely." She said, pointing at a door labeled: Body guards room. I nodded before continuing to follow her.

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