Prologue: The start of a new adventure and beginning

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In the city of Seattle, a group of six friends are in an apartment. They're hanging out. Their names are Peter Wright, Mason Potter, Angel Justice, Riff King, Adam Jackson, and Ron Richardson. They have been friends since they were all six years old. Peter is the leader of the group. Ever since then, they've always had each other's backs. But when they turned 12 years old, a big tragedy hits all six of them. A big earthquake hit the city. A 4.9. The earthquake did a lot of damage, but the most terrible that has happened to them is that their parents have been killed during the quake. A building collapsed, and it caused a huge cloud of dust to happen. Their parents were caught in the middle of it. The boys were with them, and they managed to get them to cover before the cloud hit them. Once it was all over, the boys came out of hiding, and looked for their parents. They found them, but in a bad state. They were killed in the cloud of dust, when it sent rocks and debris through the streets. They rushed over to see if they were still alive, but they weren't. Peter finds his mother is still alive, but barely. He begged her to stay with him, but she knew she only had limited seconds to live. She told him to live on, and to take care of his best friends. And that she and his father are proud of him for doing amazing things with his friends. And they loved him for it. She smiles at him one last time before she dies from her injuries. This was a huge blow and heartbreak for the boys, to lose their parents in this disaster. They had no living relatives or other siblings. Peter's mother owned an orphanage, so her close friends there took them all in. So they lived in the orphanage for a few years. During their time there, they still go to school, and they even help around the orphanage, keep it clean, help out the children, repair broken part of the building, and go out to work. It's hard, but they're getting by it, by doing teamwork. Brillant teamwork. People are shocked to see such good teamwork between six friends. Even though their friendship stands from a tragic bond, it's very strong. Once they reached 18, they graduated from high school, and left the orphanage. Peter got enough money to buy his own apartment, a studio apartment that holds for all six of them until all five of them can get their own apartments. Ones that are close to each other. So far, they don't have girlfriends, because they can't find any girls that look good to them. They all also like superheroes, but the ones that they like the most are their childhood heroes, the power rangers. Peter smiles as he looks at pictures of his friends and their parents. They're really good friends. Right now, they're gonna watch a movie that Peter brought. Lord of the Rings. 

Peter: I got the movie, guys. The extended version. 

Riff: Awesome!

Mason: Nice one, man!

Peter goes to put the movie in. As he does, he looks at his friends. They're gonna excited to watch the extended version of the Lord of the Rings. They haven't seen it yet. 

Angel: You know, I just thought of something.

Peter: What?

Angel: How do you think it would feel if the rangers were in the movie?

Adam: You mean the Power Rangers? 

Angel: Yeah. I mean, if they were, they'd really showed the orcs, and evil what real strength is about. 

Mason: Yeah. He's right. They would help the Fellowship, and the lands to destroy the One Ring. 

Riff: Yeah. Sauron wouldn't know what hit him. 

Peter: But it won't happen. The movie happened already, and the directors would think it would be stupid. Sadly. 

They realize that Peter is right. They would think that. 

Riff: But we wouldn't. If we were rangers and were in the movie, we'd be heroes for Middle-Earth. 

They look at him, and chuckle. For years, they've dreamed of being heroes. Their heroes, the power rangers. Peter starts it up. As they reached the main menu, he presses play. But for some reason, it's not playing, and the screen freezes up. They all frown at this.

Mason: What the? What's going on?

Peter: Oh, don't tell me the disc is scatched up. 

He's about to get up to take it out to check it, but then suddenly, the lights in the apartment start acting up, turning on and off. The six friends look around as they get up. They get nervous, for they don't know what is going on. And suddenly, a bright light shines on them, and it clears up, the six friends are all gone. And the TV also turned off. What has happened to them? Where did the light take them? Wherever it took them, it took them to a place where it made their dreams of being heroes come true. 

Here's the prologue of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy: The Strength of Power Rangers. This is the remake of my Lord of the Rings and Power Rangers crossover story. I've added my own ocs to this remake. I hope you'll all like this. Let me know what you all think of the prologue. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.   

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