Chapter 5: The start of a journey

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Meanwhile, back in the Shire, at the Green Dragon Inn, the boys are working. Merry and Pippin are singing and dancing on their table. Peter is laughing as he and Frodo bring cups for the customers and guests. Angel and Ron sing along with them as they clean the floors. Riff and Adam dance around too. Rosie sees this, and giggles, seeing that her workers are trying to lighten the mood up in here. 

Peter: You guys are being children. 

Mason: Yeah, guys. 

Angel: It's just a bit of fun, Peter. (Sees Riff) Hey, look at Riff!

They all look at him, and doing feet dancing. His friends cheer him on as he continues. Merry and Pippin cheer him on too as they continue singing. Frodo dances around him as he brings more cups. Peter laughs more as he watches this. His friends are really like brothers to him. and he will do anything to protect them. Much later, the boys decide to go home to sleep. Rosie lets them go. 

Peter: Goodnight, Rosie. 

Rosie: Goodnight, boys. See you all tomorrow. 

They all walk away to head home. They can feel Frodo and Sam coming out of the Green Dragon too. They feel like they should stay with Frodo before going home. As they reach the sidewalk, they all wait for him and Sam to come. They see them coming. 

Frodo: Good night, Sam. 

Sam walks off as the boys wait for him to come up the steps. He sees them.

Frodo: Guys, what is it?

Peter: Frodo, is it ok if we can stay with you for a little bit before we go home?

Frodo: Sure. I don't mind. 

They follow him inside. But as he opens the door, they see that the place is all dark. Most of the candles are out. Everyone looks around, but don't see anything. But suddenly, someone grabs Frodo's shoulder. Everyone gasp as they turn around, and see Gandalf, who's looking at them. 

Gandalf: Is it secret? Is it safe?

They see he's talking about the ring. So Frodo goes to where he put it in. He opens the chest, and looks for it as everyone watches. Frodo finds it, and gives it to Gandalf, who takes it. Then, he tosses it into the fireplace. Everyone sees this.

Frodo: What are you doing?

The letter starts burning up in the fire, burning away. And the ring is seen, unharmed from the fire. Gandalf uses a rod to fish it out of the fire. He holds it. 

Frodo: Hold out your hand, Frodo. It's quite cool. 

Frodo holds out his hand, and Gandalf drops it in his hand. He stands up as Frodo looks at it. 

Gandalf: What can you see? Huh? Can you see anything? 

Frodo looks around it, and sees nothing on it. 

Frodo: Nothing. There's nothing. 

Gandalf sighs at this. The boys look at him.

Frodo: Wait.

They all look, and there, appearing on the ring are markings, inside and out of it. 


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