Chapter 4: Bilbo leaves, the ring and the items

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They carefully leave the party, and head to Bag End. Peter sees the lights on in the house. The gate is opened, and they can tell that he's in there. They walk up the steps, and walk to the door. They hear Bilbo walking around in there. Just then, they hear Gandalf's voice.

Gandalf: I suppose you think that was terribly clever. 

Bilbo: Come on, Gandalf. Did you see their faces?

Gandalf: There are many magic rings in this world, Biblo Baggins, and none of them should be used lightly. 

Bilbo: It was just a bit of fun. Oh, you're probably right, as usual. You will keep an eye on Frodo, won't you? 

Gandalf: Two eyes, as often as I can spare them. 

Bilbo: I'm leaving everything to him. 

Gandalf: What about this ring of yours? Is that staying too?

Bilbo: Yes, yes. It's in an envelope over there on the mantelpiece. 

The six boys know what's gonna happen. They walk to their house, and walk in. Peter sighs, and looks at his friends. They also know what will happen. They wait for it as they sit down. Peter counts down as they wait. 


They all jump at that yelling, and they can feel Bilbo doing the same. A rumbling is heard, and they wait until it stops. They decide to let them talk, as they want to let it plan out. After waiting for two minutes, they hear them talking outside. The boys pick up the items and put them in their jackets. They hide their morphers on their wrists or in their pockets. They walk to the door, and they see Bilbo outside his home, while Gandalf is standing in his front yard. They see them holding hands, and Bilbo walks off, leaving behind the Shire, while singing. Gandalf and the boys watch him leave. 

Gandalf: Until our next meeting.

Peter and his friends then walk over. Gandalf hears them, and turns around. 

Peter: Bilbo's leaving for good, isn't he?

Gandalf: I'm afraid so. He's left everything to Frodo now. 

Adam: He talked so much about leaving, but we didn't think he'd actually do it. 

Riff: We're gonna miss him. 

Mason: At least he'll be living in a better place now. (Looks at Gandalf) As we walked by, we heard you saying something about magic rings. Bilbo really had one? 

Peter: We did notice he had something in his hand a lot lately, but we didn't think much of it. 

Gandalf looks at them, and nods. He leads them in Bag End. He opens the door, and there, they see the ring on the floor in front of the doorway. 

They all stare at it as they come in

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They all stare at it as they come in. Suddenly, they feel something strange as Gandalf bends down to pick it up. But as he touches it, something flashes in everyone's minds with a screech. It's a fiery eye, 

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