Chapter 2: Life in the Shire, meeting Gandalf

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"The Fellowship of the Ring"

2 years later, Hobbiton, The Shire

Two years have passed. Peter and his friends have lived in the Shire for two straight years. They're the first big folk to live in Hobbiton, to live with the hobbits. They're living in their own house. A house that they've built for themselves. It wasn't easy, but with teamwork, they've got it done in a year and a half. They've made it human size, and took a while to find big beds, tables, and chairs to lay and sit. Over time, they've made their own desks too. And they've also helped out in the Shire, offering helps for the hobbits. And getting something free in return for their help. They didn't want no money from the hobbits, but just food or water. The hobbits are grateful for their services and help. Right now, Peter is sitting at his desk, writing his journal. 

Peter: September 22nd, 1400, by big folk-reckoning. Wright Hut, Bagshot Row, Hobbiton, Westfarthing, the Shire, Middle-Earth, the Third Age of this world. 

He looks to his left, and sees the map of Middle-Earth. 

He and his friends have brought a lot of paper to write on

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He and his friends have brought a lot of paper to write on. Including to go see if they can find any jobs out there. So far, they've only got one job. At the Green Dragon Inn. They've got jobs to work there now. It wasn't much, but it will have to do. 

Peter: (Writes on his journal) My friends and I have been living in the Shire for two years. The hobbits were surprised to see six big folk here in the Shire. But we offered them help around their homes. Moving stuff for them, cleaning up their homes, and fixing up anything that is broken. We even help them look for new animals to tame or for livestock. It's never easy, but we handle it. Teamwork always work for us. While we were building our home, a few of the hobbits let us stay with them to sleep in. The most one who let us sleep in their home is Bilbo Baggins. He and his nephew are very kind to let us sleep in their home while we're building our home. Now, we're next door neighbors with them. Frodo became our friend, along with his best friend, Sam. They are good hobbits. (Chuckles) Rosie, Sam's crush, was kind enough to let us have jobs at the Green Dragon Inn. 

Peter then looks out the window. It's a beautiful morning. He sees the hobbits doing a lot of farm work. Ron and Mason learn to do farm work. The farmers taught them how to work. 

Peter: Ron and Mason were also taught to do farm work to help out the farmers out. Oh, yeah. And today is Bilbo's birthday. His 110th birthday. They're alreayd setting up tables, tents, chairs, and the banner for the party tonight. Angel, Adam, and Riff are out there, helping them. I'll help them too. I never let them do the work by themselves. 

He puts down the pen and journal. Peter sighs, and gets up. He knows that the world will be based off from the movie, but they must let it play out as the way it is. But with their special items, they can do things that Middle-Earth has never seen before. He walks to the front door, and opens the door. He closes it, and walks down to the field to help set up the stuff for the party. He sees them still working. And the banner has been set up. It says, "Happy Birthday, Bilbo Baggins." He chuckles for this celebration. He feels like this place is truly their home. As he walks through the field, he suddenly spots Frodo, and he's with someone on a cart. An old man in gray clothing and a hat. 

Peter sees that he's with Gandalf

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Peter sees that he's with Gandalf. He smiles, and walks to see how they're doing. He notices some kid hobbits coming behind them, begging Gandalf to launch fireworks. He waits, and he launches them from behind the cart. The kids all cheer from that. Peter laughs at this. He walks up to them. 

Peter: Hello, Frodo. 

Frodo: Hi, Peter. Oh, Gandalf, this is my friend, Peter Wright. He lives here in Hobbiton with his friends. 

Gandalf: Hello. It's wonderful to meet you, Peter.

Peter: Thank you. 

Frodo: Gandalf, I'm glad you're back. 

Gandald: So am I, dear boy. 

Frodo hops off, and walks with Peter. They walk over to where the party is being set up. He sees Angel, Adam, and Riff are down there, helping out the hobbits. 

Peter: How are you doing, Frodo?

Frodo: I'm good. I'm glad you could meet Gandalf at last. You'll like him once you get to know him.

Peter: I'm sure I will, and so will my friends. So, how's your uncle doing?

Frodo: Well, he's okay, but he's been a bit odd lately. I think he's up to something. 

Peter: What do you think it is?

Frodo: I don't know. I'm hoping to find out soon after the party. 

Peter: Well, let's finish what we're doing. Your uncle is really gonna love this. Although, the ones I really don't like are the Sackville-Bagginses. I mean, I don't understand why they're after your house. 

Frodo: Because they've never forgiven him for living this long. And they've also been mad at him for going on the quest without them. He also talked about leaving Bag End to me. And leaving to Rivendell. But I'm sure he wouldn't do it. I'm very fond of him. 

Peter: I know you are. He was very kind to let me and my friends sleep in your home while we were building our home.

Frodo: Well, it's the least we can do for you. You guys have been offering help for all of us in the Shire for the past two years. 

Riff: Hey, there he is!

They both look, and see Adam, Angel, and Riff working. 

Adam: Dang, Peter. Where were you? Come on. We're almost done. 

Peter: Just talking with Frodo. I was coming to help. 

Angel: Well, let's go.

Peter and Frodo help set up the rest of the stuff for the party. They all know that this is also the day that Bilbo will give Frodo the One Ring after the party. And they'll be ready to help, for their time will soon come. 

Here's the second chapter of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy: The Strength of Power Rangers. Sorry for the wait on this. Was watching my football team playing. The Kansas City Chiefs, and they won. I hope you all understand. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 

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