Chapter 3: Bilbo's birthday, Bilbo vanishes

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Later that night, the party has started. A firework in launched in the air, and it explodes, making a tree light in the air, and the sparklers fall down. The hobbits all cheer and laugh as music plays. They're clapping, and dancing. Riff and Angel help a couple of hobbits carry the cake for Bilbo. Frodo and Peter are dancing with the Hobbits. Mason drinks some ale and laughs. Adam laughs as he watches the dance. He's sitting by Sam. Sam is watching the dance, and he spots Rosie dancing. He watches her, and looks away. Adam sees this, and smirks. 

Adam: Come on, Sam. Have some courage. Go for it. She'll love to dance with you.

Frodo: (Sits by them) Go on, Sam. Ask Rosie for a dance. 

Sam looks really nervous as he hesitates. 

Sam: I think I'll just have another ale. 

He gets up to get another drink, but both Adam and Frodo grab him. 

Frodo: Oh, no, you don't.

Adam: Oh, no. Get in there.

They turn him around, and face him to the dance. Rosie is dancing around with everyone else. 

Both: Go on. 

They both push him in, and Rosie grabs him, and dances with him. They both laugh at this. Mson and Peter laugh too as they see this. Gandalf launches another firework in the air, and it goes off, sending off special effects of magic. Adam decides to tell some hobbit kids a story. About the Lost Galaxy Rangers' sixth member, the Magna Defender. 

Adam: You see, kids, the Magna Defender, was a very noble warrior and guardian, a hero too. He protected his land for a long time. His son, Zika, was young, but he wanted to grow up to be like him. Then, one day, a big terrible event happened. 

Girl hobbit: What happened?

Adam: An evil insect monster name Scorpius launched an attack on his land, and it was overrun with his monsters. Many warriors died trying to defend it. Magna Defender survived, but had to stop, because one of the monsters had Zika as a shield. Scorpius hurt him in front of his son. They pushed him down. Zika then took out a dagger, and yell out that he was gonna save his father. 

Boy hobbit: What happened to Zika?

Adam: Zika charged at Scorpius to attack, but Scorpius was too powerful, and Zika was killed. 

The kids all gasp in horror. Adam sighs.

Adam: Magna Defender watched the whole thing happen in front of him. And he vowed to kill Scorpius for killing his son. 

Riff helps Gandalf get more fireworks. They both chuckle at this. They begin to set them up, and Gandalf sets one off, releasing fire butterflies. Hobbit kids chase after them.

Gandalf: Oh! Up they go! 

Riff: They love that, Gandalf. 

Gandalf chuckles at this. Peter is drinking ale with the hobbits. Mrs. Bracegirdle comes up to him while holding her child. 

Mrs. Bracegirdle: Hello, Peter. How nice to see you. 

Peter: You too, Mrs. Bracegirdle. 

He sees the kids coming and walking by him.

Peter: These your kids?

She nods. She whistles at this.

Peter: Dang. You really love kids, don't you?

Mrs. Bracegirdle: (Giggles) I sure do. Are you planning on finding someone special soon?

Peter: Ah, maybe someday. 

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