Chapter 6: Further away from home, wood elves

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Sun rises, and Peter leaves a note on the door, to let Rosie know that they're going away for a while. They meet up with Gandalf, Frodo, and Sam. They've got everything packed, and are now walking with them.

Gandalf: Come along, Samwise. Keep up. Be careful, all of you. The enemy has many spies in his service, birds, beasts. (Looks at Frodo) Is it safe? 

Frodo looks at him, and clutches the pocket where the ring is at. He kneels down to him. 

Gandalf: Never put it on, for the agents of the Dark Lord will be drawn to its power. Always remember, Frodo, the ring is trying to get back to its master. It wants to be found. 

Peter: What about us, Gandalf?

Gandalf: Peter, you and your friends protect Frodo, and the items at anytime. And keep your last names behind you. You and your friends might not know how to defend yourselves well without practice.

Peter: These guys are more than just my best friends. They're my brothers, no matter what their last names are.

Gandalf looks at Peter's eyes, and sees a lot of strength, courage, and light in them. He nods at him, and gets on his horse. He rides off with everyone watching him leave. They all look around the place as birds are cawing. Frodo sighs, and leads the way. They all follow him. They're walking through the woods of Hobbiton. They walk past more houses, a small creek, and more land. And they're coming to a small field of corn. Sam stops walking as they go ahead. He looks at the field. It's the end of Hobbiton. 

Sam: This is it.

They all stop, and look at him.

Frodo: This is what?

Sam: If I take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been. 

Adam: Well, Sam, a journey does take place out there in the world. You need to go forth ahead, to keep on to the journey. 

Peter: He's right, Sam. You've got to keep moving forward, never back. 

Frodo: (Walks to him) Come on, Sam.

Sam hesitates, but takes a step forward, and he's now out of Hobbiton. Frodo walks beside him. They continue onward.

Frodo: Remember what Bilbo used to say. "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."

Later, it's now getting dark. They all stop to rest. Sam is cooking them food to eat before they go to bed. Frodo is laying on a tree branch, smoking. Peter and the others sitting down, unpacking blankets. As they wait for Sam to be cooking, Frodo and Peter both hear something nearby. Frodo recognizes the noise. It's singing. 

Frodo: Sam. Wood-elves.

They all get up, and go see where they're at. They hide behind a log, not wanting to be seen. They see a procession of elves go down the path. They watch them as the singing continues. 

Frodo: They're going to the harbor beyond the White the Grey Havens. 

Sam: They're leaving Middle-Earth. 

Frodo: Never to return.

Angel: Why are they leaving?

Frodo: Their time is coming to an end. Their time here. 

Riff: I guess not all things here last forever. Including elves. 

Sam: I don't know makes me sad.

Adam: It makes me sad too. Their presence was good for Middle-Earth, now they're going to be gone. 

Later, at night, they're all laying down on the blankets, trying to sleep. Sam is rolling over, trying to become comfortable. 

Sam: Everywhere I lie, there's a dirty great root sticking into my back. 

Frodo: Just shut your eyes and imagine you're back in your own bed with a soft mattress and lovely feather pillow. 

Ron: (Groans) Aw, crap. We forgot to bring pillows. 

Adam: Well, it's too late now. Like Frodo said, just imagine. 

Sam: (Tries, but gives up) It's not working, Mr. Frodo. I'm never going to be able to sleep out here. 

Peter: Neither will we, Sam. Right, Frodo?

Frodo: (Smiles) Right. 

Mason: We're gonna have to make it work, everyone. Come on, let's just close our eyes, and clear our minds. 

They all close their eyes, trying to sleep. But as they sleep, something has already entered the Shire. The black riders. They're now looking for Frodo, and the ring. Can Peter and his friends protect Frodo and Sam from them? 

Here's the sixth chapter of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy: The Strength of Power Rangers. Two chapters of my Power Rangers stories done in one day. I know you want me to continue my next Kingdom Hearts story. I will, but I'd like to do my other stories, if you all don't mind. On the next chapter, Peter and his friends will finally be able to morph. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 

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