Chapter Twenty-Eight ~Zaria

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I walk myself back to the Common Room without making any sound. My feet glide across the floor like they're half floating. The weight of silver in my hand seems to disappear as my mind just keeps replaying that image of Lucy.

So, that's why she's so on edge with Tyrian around; scared that he'll expose something. The sides of my head start to pound.

But it still doesn't make any sense. Why does she hold such hatred towards the Fae? Is it just because of her secret? Is it because of the story about Evander? Or, is it something completely different that I couldn't even comprehend?

Her hair. Always three shades lighter than her mother and Axil; tiny sparkles in it that caught the light. Her skin... always pale and cool... her figure always slender and her loose curls always falling over her shoulders to cover her ears. Have I really never seen her with her hair up?

And regardless of everything... I don't know why my first thought is... No one seems to know... did Adam?

"Back just in time!" the man squeals turning around with a plate of pancakes.

I fix my face quickly, masking my confusion. "Oh, thank you... Here," I say reaching for the plate. "I'm just going to set this down and have a look in the shop."

"Oh, but ya should eat em' while they're hot," he says holding out his arms.

I smile tightly, just wanting to get away from the crowded room.

"I'll take it. I'm starving." Tyrian appears right behind me scooping the plate from my grasp.

"Tyrian. Haven't seen you in a while. How have ya been?" the man says.

"Excellent, Ed," Tyrian says now coming to stand next to him. "Had a good season so far?"

"The farm's been great... life's been great..." he says shrugging. "There's nothing for me to complain about."

"What a saint," Tyrian says putting his hand to his heart. "It's nice to see you doing well."

Ed looks back over to me, "Have you gotten the chance to meet the famous Zaria? She came to town this festival."

He laughs, "Oh yes, I've met her. Bit of a temper, I can see how you were able to transform into a dragon so easily. I sure hope she hasn't caused you much trouble," he says with a pout.

Ed drops his hand. "Ah, nothin' of the sort."

"Surprising," he blurts. "Well, wait till you meet the other one, she's a handful."

And though I don't feel like sticking up for Lucy after hiding her identity from me, I raise my voice.

"Must I tell you again? You will not speak of the princess in that manner."

Ed's eyes widen. "So, you guys really know each other?" he asks surprised, looking back and forth between us. I must have a screwed-up look on my face because Ed says, "What princess?" he asks, finally catching up with Tyrian's words.


"The Ice Queen herself, Princess Lucy," Tyrin interrupts me. "Watch out," he whispers to Ed. "She certainly has a way with words."

"Princess Lucy..." he stutters. "That's the lady who came in with you last night." His face scrunches up looking horrified. "And I didn't even know. She's just sleeping in the same beds as all the commoners—"

"I don't mean to interrupt, sir. But Lucy isn't like that," I say to him. "She actually prefers a bit of normalcy now and then." The vision of her pointy ears flashes through my mind again and I have to force it out.

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