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Tina and Roselyn held hands as they walk towards the faculty building;

"It's terrifying each time he is around, we can't use our phones, watch Tv, just read our books everyday" Tina complains.

"Thank God, I don't have a dad" Roselyn chuckles "Sorry though, I can't relate"

"Of course, you and your mom have a unique bond"

"You think so?" Rose smiles "Crazy how this semester is so full of activities"

"The president has gathered freshmen to discuss about the upcoming prom party"

"There is going to be prom???!! That's niceeee. I wish of head of class, I'd be so updated with all these info, you hardly even tell me"

"Because they are not important"

"Or because Kim isn't involved"

"You are crazy!" They laugh

"But, sincerely there are many more events we can create to make our days in uni count beautifully"

Charis and her girls walks pass giggling;

"Hi Tina and her friend" Charis says

Roselyn rolls her eyes "I have a name"

"Sorry, can't remember" Charis chuckles "well, I'm heading to the meeting hall to get more information on prom, because I, Charis Claire is going to be the next prom Queen" she smiles turning to leave "oh! How I wish I can convince Kim to be my king!" She walks away with her girls.

"Let's check out what they are doing in the hall" Tina suggested.

"I really think you should compete for prom Queen, you are so beautiful and we four would stand firmly to support you!" Vee says to Kat as they find their way walking out of the hall.

"I support Vee!" Marvins quickly say

"Me too!" Merit says

"Well, thank you so much for choosing me, but it's not really what I want. I'm sorry" She says staring at Vee, she mistakenly hit Roselyn who was walking in with Tina. Kat feels strength leave her body, she sees Roselyn retina disappear and her eyes goes blank, Roselyn falls to the ground unconscious.

"Heeeeeeelppppp!!!" Tina screams.

Fear grips Kat. 'What just happened' she thought.


They sat outside the ward Roselyn was rushed to, they weren't allowed in, for now. Kat hadn't also regained her full strength, in fact her head throbbed. Jamie walks in with Kim and Kyle;

"What really happened?" Jamie questions

"She pushed my friend" Tina shot

"She didn't!" Marvins shot "They both bumped into each other by mistake!!!"

"Yes" Vee backed him up "No one pushed anyone, perhaps your friend was sick before now"

Kim stares at Kat who sat helplessly.

"Anything from the doctor?" Kyle ask

"Not yet!" Tina replies.

A female doctor walks out "Roselyn's friends?"

"Yes ma!" They all chorus except Kim.

"She is totally fine, we couldn't find any reasons why she fainted, could be stress. You can see her, but she's still fast asleep" The doctor explains

"Thank you ma!" They chorus as the doctor walks away.

Tina and the rest rushes in to see Rose, Kat is too weak to stand, Marvel sits with her, Kim pauses his step as he turns to stare;

"Are you good?" He ask

"No, I just want to go home, I don't feel good" she replies.

"I could take you home" Thomson says as he walks in, he grabs her hand, smiling at Marvel "let's go luv!"

Kat stood "I'm sorry Marv, see you tomorrow" she picks her bag and follows Thomson.

Marvel turns to see Kim who quickly acts like he wasn't watching.

Ms Rachael rushes into the ward where Roselyn laid;

"Your stubborn ass didn't know you should have followed Tina home" Ms Rachael says as she sits on the bed.

"Her dad is back!" Roselyn says

"Oh! Her evil father" she whispers chuckling

"Moooommm!!!" Roselyn rolls her eyes "it's not funny"

"I'm sorry baby! What really happened to you?"

"There is a new girl in school, she's a freshman actually. She bumped into me today and I felt totally drained of energy and I blanked out!"

"What??! Who is she?"

"I don't know mom, but there is something about her, I can comprehend. She is definitely supernatural too!"

"I'd need to see her!"
Katherine sat in her room pondering, she had earlier took naps which made her feel better. Picture of how Roselyn fainted couldn't just get off her mind, she is just so confused. There is a knock on her room door, Mrs Vincent enters;

"Has everything been going well in school baby?" She says offering her a glass of juice.

"Thank you maa!" Kat says "School has been going on perfectly!" She smiles. She wouldn't bother this old woman with disturbing things happening.

Kyle stood in front of the class with over two hundred students;

"As you all know, I'm Kyle. Going straight to the point, I've been made committee head for Prom night" His coursemates cheered him "I mean who can handle it better than this social king" he hyped himself "Well, I'd be assigning few of you to some duties alongside freshmen too. Class rep and Roselyn, please you'd be in charge of making the order of event!" Student claps "Tina—"

"I'd be competing for prom Queen" she quickly say.

Charis giggles "you are making a life time mistake!"

"Everyone has a right!" Tina shot at her.

"Whatever, I'd like to see you try though!" Charis blows her gum loudly.

"Peace and Joseph, will be taking up duties of getting names of all competitors" Kyle winks at angry Joseph. "Kim, Thomson, Sweet and some other volunteering freshmen would be taking duties of posting the fliers on the billboards. Samson and Rain will be ensuring campaigning is free and fair. That's all for now, I will get back to y'all if there is anything. Everything has to be sorted by Friday, next Friday is prom. Thank you for understanding" he walks back to his seat.

THE ANCIENT SKY WITCH (meeting an invincible)Where stories live. Discover now