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"After the deliveries can I visit my friends?" Kat ask her grandma.

"Katherine you can't be late" Mrs Vincent says

"I won't Maaa!" She says heading out.

Trying to hop on her bicycle, Tina stands in her way.

"Who exactly do you think you are?" Tina shot at her.

"I don't understand" Kat ask almost confused.

"Oh now you don't understand! Well, I won't even say too much. Kim is mine and if you think hanging around him will make him like you, you are just being played, that's what guys do to freshmen!"

"If he is yours, then why do you need to fight me? I guess he'd know that too! Please, I've got places to go" she rides her bicycle away.

Tina breathes heavily in anger.


"Are you two just going to keep mute?" Kat ask the twins as she sat on their bed. They stayed in the school's dorm alone. "Marvel! Marvins!"

"Kat!" Marvins holds her hand "you are a powerful witch, you carry powers of both black and white, the white has taken possession of you since your birth, now you belong to the blacks, which is your true lineage"

Kat sat more confused "I don't understand, how the fuck am I a black witch?!!"

"I'm sorry, we can't say!" Marvins replies.

The room goes silent for few minutes, Kat stood "You know I saw you two like the siblings I never had, and I've just craved a normal life all my life. I suffered growing up, cleaning, constant beatings and punishment" tears roll down her cheek "for things I knew literally nothing about, even down till now I don't blame you two for keeping this secrets, I blame my mom" she sniffs "She caused me to have a confused life" she stood to leave "it's all good" she says heading towards the door.

"Your grandmother!" Marvel finally spoke "Mrs Vincent is a black witch"

"What??!" Kat says in shock.


Kim is dressing up in his room, he adjusts his shirt while he faces the mirror. Vee walks in and lies on his bed;

"Big bro, another date today?" She smiles

"Date??" He ask with a raise brow

"I know you weren't with the boys yesterday"

"How did you know?"

"Because, I called them and my phone records calls"

"Wow! Good enough"

"So, did you two kiss?" She screeches "Kat is so fineeeee, I know there is definitely no how you won't have a crush on her"

Kim shakes his head "Veee!"

"Tell me everything"

"There was nothing like that"

"But you two—"

"Get out of my room!"

"Kim please, tell me"

"Well, I'm off"

Ray appears "Kim"

"Dad!" Kim says

"Hello Dad!" Vee smiles as she hugs him.

"My love" he hugs her "can I talk to Kim privately?"

"Definitely" she walks out.

"What's up dad?" Kim ask as he sat on his bed.

"Hey son!" Ray says sitting beside Kim "There is problem."

"What problem?"

"The princess of our invisible land is ill and the only cure now seems to be you!"

Kim chuckles "Me? They know me?"


"How does that concerns me Dad!?"

"She was attacked here in the human world by a powerful witch, it's either she's found to take off the curse, or you are sacrificed or the princess dies"

"Then let her die!"

"Kim! I'm telling you this to stay safe, because I might end up being sacrificed!"

"Then what??" Kim shot "I see you no more and I end up helpless with no idea of what is going on"

Ray swallows hard "I'm doing my best to protect you!"

"How powerful can a witch be to affect an invisible to a point of death?"

"A small living witch god maybe, but that's not what matters now"

"You've come to say goodbye? Dad, asking about who I really am, is it too much to ask?"



Ray disappears.

Kim sighs.


Katherine pushes her bicycle as she walks into the street, she sights Mr Kennedy, Tina's father walking into his house. He pauses as he sees Kat;

"Good day sir" she greeted about passing by.

"Luciana, was your mother's name" Mr Kennedy says.

She pauses "you knew her?"

"You look so much like her" he says

"Katherine!" Mrs Vincent immediately calls.

She hurriedly walks in with her grandma;

"You should avoid that man!" Mrs Vincent says

"He knew my mother"

"Because, he has stayed here all his life"

"So, why should I avoid him when it's you I should run from??"


"I think I need explanations" she drops her bags "On how I'm suddenly from a black witch's lineage"

"Who told you that?"

"Does that matter right now?"

"Look Kat—"

"Full story or nothing else" Kat sits

Mrs Vincent sighs "I'm a black witch. Just like you when I was younger, I always wanted a normal life like every human, and I got it. Unlike the white witches, we can live freely amongst humans, so I came here, got married to human, gave birth. Your father had my blood too, so he was partly a witch, I found out about your mom when she left and never returned, I used the location spell and realized she was a white witch. Here is the interesting part about you sweetheart, you are the most powerful witch existing, I don't know how, probably it's because you can both black and white powers, but I believe it's for a purpose"

"Wow!! Wow!! Wow!!" Kat says amazed "That explains why I'm overwhelmed with uncontrollable powers sometimes, wow!!"

"You need to be careful, once you get to known, a lot of witches and even people will become your enemy that's why I sent the Marvs to keep you safe. They are my brother's kids"

"So, those two are my cousins????!!!!" Kat exclaims.

THE ANCIENT SKY WITCH (meeting an invincible)Where stories live. Discover now