Twenty four

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Kyle sits with the some policemen in the crime unit room. He looks like he had cried all night, his eyes were swollen;

"I still don't know why the other eye witnesses are not here yet" Mr John, one of the policeman says. "We will just go on with you first. Who is Jamie to you?"

"My best friend"

"For how long?"

"We met in our first year in high school, been 4years"

"So, what really happened at the beach?"

"We were sitting, then there was this man on the sea, he ap—" he pauses as he sees Ray appears through the wall, behind the policemen. The police turned back but weren't seeing anyone;

"Are you good Mr Kyle?" Mr John ask.

"Yes!" Kyle says trying to ignore Ray "There was this man that appeared on the sea, he got J—" he pauses on seeing Ray brings out a sharp knife, threatening to cut off his throat.

"I will kill you!" Ray mouths.

Jamie squints his eyes at him "Can't y'all see him?"

"See who?" They chorus.

"You really can't?" Kyle sighs, he uses his palm to rub his head "I'm not doing this!" He walks out. Ray disappears

"Kyle!! Kyle!!" They called

"I think his friend death is affecting him mentally". Mr John concludes.


Katherine sat with Luciana by the blue sea. All her life, she has blamed her mother and hated her so much but, on seeing her all see feels is love;

"Today I don't regret giving birth to you! You've brought meaning to my life" Luciana says.

Kat wipes her tears "it's like a dream, after 19years I have a mother. Do you know they killed Maa Juliana? And made my life miserable"

Luciana pulls her into a hug "I'm here now baby!"

"Yeah, and I'm glad." She sends her a smile "I still have an uncompleted mission in the human world"

"You should do anything you want too"

"Meanwhile, I think you should be the new Queen I mean, you gave birth to the most powerful witch"

"No Kat! I can't"

"Mother, you can't decline this offer. These people made your life—our life miserable, you should rule them and show them how beautiful life can be"

"Baby!" Luciana smiles as tears ran down her cheek "your father couldn't wait to see you, I'm so sorry we made you go through all these"

Kat hugs her.


"Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmm!!!!!" Kyle yells as he enters the Houston's home. Vee rushes out, good thing their parents were out;

"What's wrong Kyle?" Vee says running down the stairs.

"Where the hell is he?" Kyle shot

"You need to calm down!" Vee says almost in tears.

"It's been 32hours and no sign of Jamie!!" Kyle shots "Isn't it crazy enough?"

Kim appears sitting on the chair, his eyes bloodshot like he had been crying. Kyle walks up to him;

"Wow! You teleport too? What exactly are you Kim? Where is the Kim I used to know?"Kyle yells "where the hell is he?!"

"Right here!!!!" Kim stood to him "Right here Kyle!!" He tries to hold in his tears. "I tried all my life to fit in, all my life. Yes! I'm not human, and it keeps hurting me every time"

THE ANCIENT SKY WITCH (meeting an invincible)Where stories live. Discover now