Twenty two

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Kim enters Kyle's dorm, Jamie and Kyle stares at him;

"Finally" Jamie says "You suddenly became scarce"

"Celebs don't like to be seen" Kyle says

Kim chuckles, he wish he could tell them everything that was going on, but he just couldn't. "What's in for the day?"

"How is Vee?" Kyle ask

"Still crying"

"It's a lot, I will cry a lot if I lose anyone of you" Kyle says pointing at them "So don't die!"

They laugh.

"Dummy! What have you two been up too?" Kim laughs as he sits in their midst.

"I just suddenly feel you've been occupied because of a girl" Jamie says

"Kim, a girl? You've missed it all Jamie" Kyle laughs.

"So, what if it's a girl?" Kim ask

"Definitely your sis or mom!" Jamie laughs with Kyle.

"Rumors have been spreading that there is a witch in our faculty and she might spread to other faculties soon" Jamie says

"My mom is dead scared" Kyle says "I'm her only child"

"It's terrific, if there is another death again after this, our school might be shut down" Jamie says. Kim swallows hard;

"Even dorms are cleared, most students went home. I hope it will be better soon"

"Same here dude! I think the witch is a man, I mean why pretty, fancy girls?" Kyle winks

They laugh.

"I can't believe I'm laughing, it's not funny Kyle!" Kim says in midst of his laughter

"Can you stop joking about everything?" Jamie adds

"I promise too!" Kyle laughs "Drink out tonight?"

"I can't for long, I have to help at home since Vee is still mourning" Kim says

"For sure!"


In the Vincent home, Mrs Vincent, the twins, Kim, Ray and Katherine sat in the living room having a meeting;

"I suggest Katherine returns to Ancient and correct things with them, if not things will get more intense" Ray suggests.

"Never!" Mrs Vincent shot "That's what they want and we can't give them"

"At the same time Maa, we can't stop them" Kat says

"It's too risky!" Marvel shot "I won't let you go"

Kim stares expressionless in silence.

"Two people has died, it will be selfish for me to remain here and watch more die!" Kat manages to say.

"Stop Katherine!! After 19years I found you, I can't let you go" Mrs Vincent shot

"Can't we go with her instead?" Marvins asked

"By law, black witches can't work into the white land, vice versa. Kat is a blessing to both" Ray smiles.

"My head hurts" Mrs Vincent holds her head as she groan in pains

Katherine goes to sit with her "It will just be for days or even a week, but I have to correct my wrong. They can't kill me remember?"

"But they can hurt you or lock you away forever!"

"They won't, I promise!" She turns to them "I leave tonight!"


Katherine enters her room to meet Kim, he sat on her bed. She sit beside him;

"You hardly said anything all through" She say as she stares at him.

He turns to her "It's going to be you against over a hundred thousand witches and I'm so scared of letting you go, but then how many more deaths are we going to face? Katherine, you have to promise, you would come back for me!"

She place a kiss on his lips "I promise long hair"

Pulling her close to himself "I love you!"

Her heart fluttering at his words, she smiles "I love you too!"

He reaches for her lips and kisses her.


Katherine washes the plates in the kitchen. The head maid sights her and rushes to call the Queen.

The Queen, princess, chief knights and some other knights walks majestically to the kitchen;

"You remembered your place" The princess chuckles.

"I missed this!" Kat smiles, she rinse her hands and turn to them "Actually, I came for explanations. First, you killed two innocent girls and then, an invincible, why?"

"Who are you to ask questions? Seize her!!" The Queen shot.

Running to hold her, the Knights falls to their death. Kat laughs "As expected."

Fear grips the Queen and princess, she walks round them "For 19years, I dedicated myself to you, I worked you, but you were after making my life miserable. You killed innocent girls to get to me and you call yourselves White witches!!"

"Don't insult us!" The princess shot

"Be mute" Kat shot back, the princess instantly becomes dumb. "You wanted me back right? I'm back, now I will make you suffer in days what I suffered in years!!!"


Vee knocks on Kim's door, she enters. He laid on his bed worriedly;

"Bro!" She sits on his bed.

"Hey sis! You good?" He says sitting up.

"What's really going on? You haven't been you!"

"I'm good, the recent activities has just been exhausting"

"Katherine, is she a witch?"

Kim swallows hard "No, uhm...why do you ask?"

"I wanted to ask since the day you mentioned it, you hardly relate with any girl but it's different with her"

"I thought you wanted it?"

"I do! But, Kim please, don't hide anything from me, please tell me"


Marvel enters their room worriedly, Marvins stares at him;

"It's just been 24hours, if you are acting like this how will mistress act?" Marvins says.

"I just have a feeling that something will go wrong soon" Marvel says walking to and fro the room.

"Should we do the location spell?"

"Location spell for checking the whites, ah!" Marvel sits on the bed as he thinks "It's dark magic!"

"Mistress isn't home, we could try"


They hold hand and begin to enchant, their curtains begins to fly.

Mr Kennedy looks through his window to their room, Tina walks in from behind to give him his phone;

"Are they—are they enchanting?" Mr Kennedy whispers.

Tina peeps.

THE ANCIENT SKY WITCH (meeting an invincible)Where stories live. Discover now