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Kat helps in attaching fliers on the billboards, Thomson sends her smiles, while Kim couldn't help but glare at them. Kat hasn't feel really good since her encounter with Roselyn, and she hasn't seen Rose ever since too, Rose has been doing her best avoiding her. She had also been getting loads of date requests for prom, from guys she didn't even know. She kept turning them down, she sights Kim hanging fliers too;

"Long hair!" She calls her to Kim, who is quite close to her attaching fliers too. He turns to her, she smiles.

He walks close to her "Are you good?" Her place his palm on her head to check her temperature, he could see she wasn't actually okay.

Thomson pulls Kim's hand away "Take your hand off my girl!"

"Your girl" Kim repeated

"Your girl??!" Kat pushes Thomson's "watch your speech bro! We are just neighbors and I'm nobody's" she says in anger and walks away.

Kim stares at embarrassed Thomson and sends him a side laugh.

Marvel and Marvins had stood to watch

"Did you notice something odd about Kat?" Marvel ask

"Nah? What's odd?" Marvins replies

"She hasn't been herself, she's been acting cold too"

"Cold? Is she sick??"

Marvel rolls his eyes "Marvins for once, try to understand!!! Not sick, angry!!"


Jamie and Rose sat on the field making plans for the prom night;

"I think Kyle will be the host, he is really good at stuffs like that" Jamie suggested

"Okay then, I think we should end it all with the ball dance. The prom King and Queen has their first dance, then everything else with their dates" Rose says

"Perfect!" Jamie smiles as he write it down "I think we are done, let's hand it over to Kyle"

They stood to leave "I pray it comes out all good eventually, I'm sure every other faculty will begin to buy the idea"

"Exactly!" Jamie chuckles "how is your health now?"

"I'm good now!"

"That's a relieve!" He smiles at her "Got a date yet?"




"Be mine? I'm dateless too"

She chuckles "Okay!"


Katherine sneaks out of the house in the evening to get pain relief from the pharmacy. Getting back, it was quite dark;

"Hey!" Joseph shot from behind. Before she could turn, he already slapped her. She falls. "You think you are too pretty eh? Today, I'm going to destroy your face!" He shot

"Imbecile!!" She hits his balls. He begins to groan in pains, he runs off.

Tina watches from her window, so pissed Kat had escaped Joseph. She breathes heavily in anger, she turns and walks into Thomson's room;

"You and your friends are just damn useless!" She shot.

"Keep your voice down dummy!" He says shutting his door "you don't want dad questioning us"

"We had a simple plan, get her to fall in love with you so she can leave Kim!"

"I actually do want her to fall in love with me! And if she doesn't there is nothing I can do about. Forget Kim and focus on your life, he isn't even worth it!"

"He is! He is worth everything!" She shot.

"Well, you have to quit hurting Katherine for someone that doesn't even care about you"

"Wow! Guess she has place a spell on you too" She walks out angrily.


"My Queen!!! Katerina has been found" The chief knight says as he runs into the palace.

The Queen face brightens "where?"

"The human world, she's beginning to blend in well"

"Kill her!" The princess quickly says

"Noo!!" The Queen shot "we will have to make plans, then kill everyone around her, little by little. Let's make her life living hell again"

Kim helps milks the cows. Vee joins him;

"Kim that brown cow seems sick" she says

"I will check it" he walks up to the sick cow, he closes his eyes and begin to use his powers to drain the pains the cow felt. Katherine crosses his mind, he begins wonder why she seem sick earlier;

"Vee!" He called

"Yup!" She replies

"Katherine, how close are you two?"

"Really close, she's super cool and I hope you marry her"

Kim rolls his eyes "Seen anything suspicious about her?"

Vee ponders "Nope! Why?"


"Hmm.."Vee smiles "Are you beginning to like her?"

"I will throw you all the cow's poo here!"

"Yewwww!!" Vee chuckles "Kyle asked if I could host the prom event"

"That's good news! It has always been your dream to host an event right?"

"Yeah, and it's happening so quick" she chuckles.

He smiles at her. He had earlier pleaded Kyle to make Vee host the event, because he knew how much it would mean to her.

"I was going to ask Marvins to be my date, do you know him?" She blushes

"Did your cheek just flush pink?" Kim shook his head "You like someone already?"

"Yup, one of the twins"

"Kat's friends??"

"Yup!" She smiles

"Asking a guy to be your date isn't a very good idea"

"He is my friend too durh! Doesn't mean anything"

"Suit yourself! I will be gone with the guys for the weekend, Kyle dad's marriage"

THE ANCIENT SKY WITCH (meeting an invincible)Where stories live. Discover now