𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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after drinking her coffee and sitting with louie for about ten minutes, aurora headed upstairs to get ready for school

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after drinking her coffee and sitting with louie for about ten minutes, aurora headed upstairs to get ready for school.

rory picked out flared blue jeans and a white tank top with a white ribbed knitted sweater on top, rory decided on wearing her air forces today.

once she was ready, she decided to leave her straight blonde hair down today. rory did her everyday school makeup routine.

after finally finishing, aurora had made more of an effort today than she did most days.

aurora felt beautiful today.

rory smiled at herself in the mirror and took a picture of herself and decided to post it on her instagram story.

the first person who saw it and liked the story was of course, isaac.

her best friend. friend, right?

aurora decided to text isaac since she hadn't heard from this morning.

rory 🦕
stalking my instagram now garcia??? 🤔🤔

isaac 🦖
maybe i am
what you going to do about it??

rory 🦕
first of all i'd block you
secondly i'd file a restraining order

isaac 🦖
i hope not
how else will i see ur pretty face

rory 🦕
you think i'm pretty, isaac

isaac 🦖
shut up weirdo
i'll see u at school
meet at our spot rosie

rory 🦕
see you loserrr

aurora laughed as she texted isaac. she knew he was just messing around, she teased him back. that was just their friendship.

"i'm ready." aurora smiled, going down the stairs dragging out the 'e' sound.

"good morning, darling. you look gorgeous, as always." her mom, mandy, complimented.

amanda always complimented her daughter, she thought aurora was the most beautiful girl in the world.

many would think she's only saying that because she's her daughter, but amanda didn't think she could find a more perfect girl than aurora.

"morning, mom. and thank you." rory smiled, she would've complimented the older harlow woman, however she wasn't even showered yet.

"is louie down yet?" aurora asked, "nope, he's still upstairs." rory heard, she turned and saw her father had just come back from the back yard.

"oh, anyway. morning, dad." the blonde smiled at her father.

aurora had an amazing relationship with both her mother and father, she cherished these moments, she knew not everyone has the best childhood.

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌¹-isaac garcia Where stories live. Discover now