𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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school was now open again, for the first time since thanksgiving

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school was now open again, for the first time since thanksgiving.

aurora and isaac hadn't spoke one word to each other since the last day they hung out.

aurora has been talking with taylor a lot, she's decided to move on from isaac.

walking into school, rory kept her head held high, and didn't let anything bother her.

she didn't want anyone to know that the isaac garcia had made her feel like this.

of course, isaac was known as a "player" and he never did serious relationships but aurora wasn't just another girl.

she was isaac's best friend.

she had no idea what she did wrong to him.

"rory!" she heard, "taylor! hi." aurora hugged her new best friend, taylor.

yes, she now considered taylor as her best friend.

"hey, are you going to the bonfire this weekend?" taylor asked, aurora nodded.

"of course i am." rory smiled, taylor nodded.

"oh! you want to come over to my house and we can get ready together? louie's going so we can get a ride with him." aurora grinned at the idea.

"yes, obviously." taylor's smiled widened.

the pair walked into the school together, aurora saw isaac with his arm around, yet again, another cheerleader.

rory sighed quietly, turned her eyes away to find nathan and skyler.

she smiled at the sight, she had to been encouraging nathan to finally talk to skyler ever since he went to the walter's house.

"hey, i'll see you at class? i need to talk to nathan." aurora said, to taylor. who smiled at her.

"sure, i need to talk to someone anyway." taylor grinned, her eyes glued onto rory's brother.

"ew!" aurora said, walked away.

she had no problem with taylor and louie, since she knew that taylor had liked louie for a while.

she just didn't want to see them all lovey-dovey in front of her.

she didn't even know if louie liked her back.

rory made her way to nathan.

"nath! i seen you and skyler." aurora smiled, "it was nothing." nathan tried convincing aurora but it didn't work.

she could see his smile from a mile away.

"okayyy...whatever you say, nathan. but, i'm rooting for you." rory playfully winked at him, as the bell rang.

"i'll be keeping a close eye out at the bonfire." aurora said, walked away.

nathan calling, "bye, rory." as she walked away.

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌¹-isaac garcia Where stories live. Discover now