𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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thankfully, it was a sunday now

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thankfully, it was a sunday now. aurora had spent the night at the walter's last night after isaac had stayed at her house the night before again.

rory laid in isaac's arms on her phone waiting for him to wake up. lee had already gone downstairs, but isaac was lazy.

he was still asleep. it was like 10:30 by now.

aurora didn't want to wake him, so she slowly tried to get out of his hold, but failed as she had woken up isaac.

"stay." isaac mumbled, closing his eyes again. rory gave in and laid back down into isaac.

"i'll stay if you wake up." rory said, "don't be like that, rosie." isaac said, aurora smiled.

isaac gave in and opened up his eyes, isaac frowned at her. she laughed, and kissed his cheek to cheer him up.

"good morning." rory said, isaac smiled after she had kissed his cheek. "morning." he said.

"i'm starving, so i'm going to get breakfast before it's gone." rory said, headed downstairs.

she heard isaac groan in annoyance, "did you have to leave?" she heard, she laughed.

aurora saw katherine, "oh, good morning, honey. you hungry?" katherine asked, rory nodded.

"yes. very." rory laughed, katherine handed her a plate with pancakes on them. "is isaac awake?" katherine asked, rory nodded.

"i made him wake up. he's probably gone back to sleep tho." aurora laughed, katherine smiled.

"well, he'll just have to miss out on breakfast." katherine said, rory looked and saw jackie coming into the kitchen.

"hey, jackie." aurora smiled, "oh, morning, rory."
jackie greeted her.

"i heard about your hair. isaac's, excuse my language, a dick. ignore him." aurora looked at her apologetically.

"it's okay, my hairs back now." jackie smiled, "that's good." rory said, after she finished her breakfast, she headed back upstairs to get changed.

aurora put some simple black leggings on with isaac's hoodie, which she loved.

she went back in isaac & lee's bedroom and saw isaac stood there wearing a shirt and jeans, a gold chain around his neck.

that chain, aurora loved it. she thought it made him look even better.

isaac went closer to her, smirking once noticing the hoodie.

"it looks better on you than me." isaac whispered in her ear, "does it now?" aurora smirked back.

isaac nodded, before putting his arm around aurora's shoulder and they headed to the barn where isaac had to give cole money for jackie's hair.

"cole." isaac said, as we walked into the barn. noticing cole staring at jackie and alex.

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