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Levi's POV:

I scratch my eyes as soon as I opened it. I slept in my office table again. I stretch me back and my hands above my head before standing up.

I walk to my window and open the curtains. The sun is no where to be seen.

"I wake up early again"

I check the table clock, 5:00 am.

I walk to my room door and open it. There is Minami, sleeping silently on my bed.

I used to take her on their room and let her sleep in mine. I cant let Petra touch or do something to her.

It was already a week after she and I are officially in a relationship, but believe me, we never sleep together at the bed. She wouldn't let me. I used to sleep at the couch or at my office table.

I cant blame her. I'm her first boyfriend and she's a virgin. I respect her so much.

I enter the room and sit on the side of the bed.

I love watching her sleeping. Its like I'm back to the time I first met her. Sleeping under the apple tree, without minding the dirt under her.

I stroke my hand into her hair. Combing it with my fingers.

I bent down to kiss her cheek.

Before my lips reach her face, she turn to relocate her body and accidentally, my lips landed into her's.

I stop for a moment to check if she is awake, but she's not.

I continue anyway.

I love her lips so much.

I can't help but give them a sweet massage.

She groan. Slowly open her eyes.

I departed from my kiss to her.

"Good morning, Hon" I greeted her.

She smile with her eyes still half-open.

"Good morning, Hon. You wake up early again. You need some tea?" she says while touching my face.

"Nope, I just want to look at my Honey's beautiful face."

She smiles sweetly and smack my lips.

"Do I need to go back at our room now? Mikasa and Sasha may noticed I'm not at my bed" she asked.

"Just a few more minutes my Baby. Let your Honey hug you." I place my self beside her, I put her head on my right shoulder and blase my left arm on her waist.

We stayed silent, seizing the moment. Her head turn to be heavy. She fall asleep again.

I kissed her forehead.

"I love you,Minami"


It's breakfast at the mess hall.

Me and Minami acted normal in front of other people, Superior and Cadette.

I think everyone knew about our relationship because of Hanji's Fucking mouth and Petra's Chitchat-ering.

But still, everybody seems to be normal. Except Petra's Growling Jealousy. She spreads rumors about us but it seems no one believes in her anymore.

I Love My Personal Bodyguard  ( LEVI x OC )Where stories live. Discover now